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Washington, D.C. – While Democrats on the Senate Finance Committee want to mandate that Americans buy health insurance or face stiff fines and even jail time, U.S. Senator Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., is looking for alternatives to keep costs down. He introduced an amendment today that would give Americans the freedom to choose affordable health insurance options that meet their needs and budgets. The amendment was defeated.

“Right now, a 35-year-old in Wyoming can purchase catastrophic health care coverage for just $63 per month. Under the new requirements and mandates in the Finance bill, the minimum monthly payment would be nearly five times that, according to estimates.  This bill is going to drive up costs and people in Wyoming and across the country aren’t going to be able to afford the insurance the government wants to require  them to purchase,” Enzi said.

“If the Democrats pass an insurance mandate for every American, they should at least include the freedom to choose a low-cost, affordable option that meets their budget and health care needs. My amendment would have provided that option. The Finance Committee bill does not give people affordable options.  The bill penalizes those who do not purchase high-end, expensive plans, regardless of what they want, need, or can afford.  

“We need to bring down health care costs and give people more affordable options, but the government mandates in this bill will keep pushing health care costs higher and higher for average Americans.  Requiring plans to cover more and more services and forcing people to purchase these expensive policies will inevitably drive up costs for all Americans.”

The Consequences

The health care bill that the Finance Committee is currently considering mandates that Americans purchase health insurance, regardless of their age or income. Under the bill’s penalties, Americans who do not purchase high-end health insurance plans would face up to one year in prison or a $25,000 fine.

The Enzi amendment would allow people to buy health insurance they can actually afford by lowering the floor of mandated coverage. The amendment would also include protections from high out-of-pocket costs.