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Congressman Pete Sessions

Representing the 32nd District of Texas

How Tax Reform Has Impacted TX-32 Job Creators

Since the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was signed in to law on December 22, 2017, I have heard countless stories of how our Republican pro-growth tax plan is making a positive impact on the lives of many Americans. Companies across the nation - including Texas’ very own AT&T, Southwest, and Oncor - have all announced how they are using their tax cut to pay their employees more, reduce costs on their customers, and give back to their communities. While it is amazing to hear how these big companies are responding to improve the lives of their employees and consumers, it is also wonderful to hear stories from small businesses that are reaping the benefits of this tax cut as well.

I had the opportunity to visit a family owned business in Richardson, the Texas Moving Company. The company's president, Steve Dumais, explained to me that because Republicans cut the corporate tax rate to 21%, his company is putting more money into their employee’s pockets. Starting this month, Texas Moving Company has increased their driver's road pay by $2,400 per year.  They have alsoincreased health insurance reimbursement to $3,484 per year in order to help cover health care costs. This is a wonderful example of how small businesses are ensuring their employees reap the benefits of our tax plan.

Family owned businesses like the Texas Moving Company are the epitome of an American success story. Dick and Rosemary Dumais had a dream in 1975, built a business based on integrity and hard work, and have grown from a mom and pop shop to a 43-year-old organization that employs 40 full time employees and hundreds of part time laborers. Our tax reform plan was built to help job creators like the Dumais family continue to grow their organizations, give back to their employees, and build upon their success. It was an honor to hear first hand how these reforms have made an impact on their lives, and I look forward to seeing how our plan will continue to have a positive impact on North Texas families.