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Washington, D.C. – Senator Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., today issued the following statement on the passing of Senator Ted Kennedy.
“With the passing of Ted Kennedy, we have lost a great leader, one who influenced our country and helped to shape our destiny as a nation for almost half a century.  The history books will show that Ted was a dedicated public servant who worked tirelessly for the people of Massachusetts and the nation.  He will long be remembered as a champion for the causes he believed in.  He leaves behind a long list of bipartisan legislative accomplishments, the impact of which will continue to be felt for generations to come. 
“Most importantly, he was a true, thoughtful and caring friend.  I enjoyed working with him.  Diana and I will miss him dearly and we join with all those who knew and loved him in keeping Vicki and the Kennedy family in our thoughts and prayers.”