

Rep. Eshoo recognizes that viable, sustainable, and renewable energy resources are essential to protect our economic and national security, as well as our environment. As a senior member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, she pursues legislation to encourage research and development, and innovative clean energy and energy efficient technologies. Rep. Eshoo’s work on clean energy and environmental issues has been praised by several local and national organizations, and she has a lifetime rating of 97 percent from the League of Conservation Voters.

Energy Efficiency

Today, the world generates more data in two days than was generated in all of human history prior to 2003. This data must be stored and processed at massive data centers which are often highly energy inefficient. The New York Times reported that “data c...

Energy Innovation

ARPA-E As a co-author of the House Democrats’ Innovation Agenda in 2006 and a lead advocate for passage of the COMPETES Act in 2007, Congresswoman Eshoo was instrumental in creating the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Energy (ARPA-E). This a...

Energy Prices

The cost of heating and cooling our homes and filling our gas tanks affects everyone. These prices are sometimes exacerbated by natural disasters and supply disruptions, but they have not always been justifiable—particularly in comparison to the record p...

Fuel Economy Standards

Seventy percent of the fuel burned today is used in transportation, largely in passenger vehicles. That's why it's essential that fuel economy be a national priority in order to reduce pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, and decrease the nation's...

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