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The United States is known as the land of opportunity and freedom, attracting people from around the world who want to pursue the American Dream. America’s rich cultural diversity is a product of those who have immigrated here throughout our history, making the U.S. a nation of immigrants.

As a first-generation American, Rep. Eshoo has a deep appreciation for the broad ethnic mosaic that makes America a great country. She has promoted sound immigration policies that provide ample and equal opportunities for people to immigrate legally into our country, create a pathway for citizenship for those who are in the country without the benefit of our laws, secure our borders, and hold employers accountable for employing illegal workers.

Agricultural Jobs and Immigration

According to the Department of Labor, 53 percent of the nation's agricultural workforce is composed of unsanctioned foreign laborers. In California, that number is estimated to be as high as 90 percent in largely agricultural areas. Rep. Eshoo has consistently...

Childhood Arrivals

There are an estimated two million undocumented immigrants in the United States who were brought here as children by their parents through no choice of their own, and cannot get educational benefits or work authorization because of their immigration status....

Comprehensive Immigration Reform

Because our current immigration system is clearly broken on the legal side, as well as the illegal side, Rep. Eshoo favors comprehensive reform legislation that will provide a timely pathway to citizenship for the 11 million undocumented immigrants living...

Keeping Families Together

Too often families are torn apart by imprudent immigration law. Rep. Eshoo has consistently supported legislation to reunite and keep families together. One of the fundamental principles of American immigration law and policy is the notion of family...

Legal Immigration and Visas

Foreign-born entrepreneurs have historically been an integral part of both Silicon Valley and our nation’s economic success. Today, foreign students earn more than half of the science and engineering Ph.D. degrees in the United States. Due to tighter o...

Recent Changes to the U.S. Visa Waiver Program

Many of my constituents have inquired about recent changes to the Visa Waiver Program (VWP) passed by Congress in response to the Paris terror attacks and the continuing threat of ISIS. The VWP reforms were included in comprehensive legislation to fund...

The President’s Executive Orders

Muslim Ban On March 6, 2017 the President signed a revised Executive Order prohibiting all immigration from six Muslim-majority countries in the Middle East for at least 90 days and suspending all refugee admissions for 120 days. The Order also reduces...

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