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Congressman Tom Emmer

Representing the 6th District of Minnesota

House Members Commemorate One-Year Anniversary of President Donald Trump's Official Recognition of Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel

December 6, 2018
Press Release

(Courtesy of Congressman Andy Biggs)

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Congressman Andy Biggs and 42 cosponsors introduced a resolution to commemorate the one-year anniversary of President Donald Trump’s official recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Israel and the announcement of his intention to relocate the American embassy to Jerusalem. Congressman Biggs, along with many of the cosponsors, released the following statements:

“Israel is one of the United States’ most enduring allies, and President Trump kept a significant promise by recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and announcing his intention to move our embassy to Jerusalem. That embassy was opened in Jerusalem earlier this year. These milestones signify our commitment to our ally. I thank my many colleagues who joined me in this resolution.” – Congressman Andy Biggs (AZ-05)

“I am pleased to be an original cosponsor on this important legislation. This year has marked a restoration of the U.S.-Israel relationship. President Trump’s moving of the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem was monumental not because he is the first president to promise this move, but because he is the only president who made good on that promise. I have supported moving the embassy since my start in Congress and am proud to have seen it come to fruition. I want to thank my colleague Rep. Biggs for initiating this great commemoration and for working with me collaboratively on the final bill.” – Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05)

“Today, we celebrate the one-year anniversary of President Trump’s momentous decision to move the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to the recognized capital of Jerusalem. During his campaign, President Trump committed to finally make this move, and I applaud him displaying strong leadership and courageous action in support of one of America’s closest allies in the world.” – House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (LA-01)

“My support remains unwavering for President Trump’s courageous and just decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. This decision is a profound reflection of the President’s commitment to fulfilling his promises and advancing peace in the Middle East.” – Congressman Gregg Harper (MS-03)

“One year ago, President Trump announced his decision to recognize Jerusalem as the unquestionable capital of Israel.  The United States was the first to recognize Israel’s independence in 1948.  This May, we celebrated 70 years of Israeli independence, and in a sign of our support, ceremoniously moved the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, again becoming the first country to do so.  I applaud President Trump’s leadership as we continue to reinforce our commitment to our closest friend and ally, Israel, and support her right to defend herself.” – Congressman David Kustoff (TN-08)

“Jerusalem is the rightful capital of Israel. The recognition of this reality continues to build on our two nation’s special bond which is why I support Representative Biggs’ resolution to commemorate the anniversary of the President’s declaration. Our ally has continuously stood by our side, and we should continue to stand by them.” – Congressman Tom Emmer (MN-06)

“Moving our embassy to Jerusalem, Israel’s self-declared, historic, and eternal capital, sent a strong message to the world, that Israel is an ally of the United States and a bulwark of democracy and freedom in the Middle East.” – Congressman Ken Buck (CO-04)

“On the one-year anniversary of President Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, a momentous event, I am proud to co-sponsor this resolution affirming our support for the United States’ strongest Middle East ally, a Jewish homeland, and the Israeli people. Although Congress authorized moving the U.S. embassy more than two decades ago, only our current President, fulfilling a promise other presidents have made but broken, had the courage to act. Anti-Semitism and terrorist threats must never deter us from standing up for our principles, including a free and independent Israel with Jerusalem as its capital. In fact, standing up for our principles and supporting our allies is essential to creating peace and stability in the region.” – Congressman Scott DesJarlais (TN-04)

“As this resolution memorializes, the relocation of United States Embassy in Jerusalem is further proof that President Trump is keeping his promises to the American people. Seventy years after the official formation of Israel and more than 20 years after the United States Congress voted to recognize Jerusalem as its capital, this fulfilled promise signals strong support for our friend and ally.” – Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (TX-26)

“I am honored to join my colleagues in recognizing the one-year anniversary of the United States moving our embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem—the eternal capital. This strong and historic move will forever stand as a message to the rest of the world that the U.S. stands with our Jewish brothers and sisters in the world’s only Jewish state.” – Congressman Tedd Budd (NC-13)

“On the one year anniversary, I applaud President Donald Trump for fulfilling his campaign pledge to recognize Jerusalem as the rightful capital of Israel. Under the leadership of President Trump, our relationship with Israel has never been stronger. We must never forget the important role Israel plays in the world and I will continue to be a vocal supporter of our eternal friendship.”Rep. Alex X. Mooney (WV-02)

“President Trump’s decision, one year ago, to recognize Jerusalem for what it actually has been and is –the actual capital of Israel, demonstrated great commitment to truth. President Truman had the courage to recognize Israel as an independent nation only minutes after it formed. Since then, we have had eleven Presidents who discussed Jerusalem as the true capital of Israel, but did not recognize it formally. A year ago, our president kept another of his promises made to the American people. This historic decision displayed to the world that the United States will fervently stand with its ally, Israel. I am proud we have a President who courageously did the right thing for the United States, for our ally Israel, and for the world, including those parts that do not know it.” – Congressman Louie Gohmert (TX-01)

“Let today be a world-wide reminder that America stands with Israel, our greatest ally. We recognize that Jerusalem is Israel’s rightful and eternal capital–and shall no longer be questioned.” – Congressman Ralph Norman (SC-05)

“The city of Jerusalem holds a special place in the history of civilization and in the hearts of the people of Israel. By recognizing it as the capital of Israel, President Trump reaffirmed our commitment to a steadfast ally and carried out a law passed overwhelmingly by Congress in 1995. On the first anniversary of this important event, I am proud to join my colleagues in celebrating the ties that continue to join the United States and the State of Israel in friendship.” – Congressman Morgan Griffith (VA-09)

“Israel, our strong ally, has the right to determine its capital city. Our president chose to honor their choice by moving the US embassy to Jerusalem, the historic home of the Jewish people. One year after the president’s announcement that we would relocate our embassy, I join my colleagues applauding this historic move and urge other nations to follow the United States’ example.” – Congressman Dave Brat (VA-07)

“One year ago, President Donald Trump made a historic announcement to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and to relocate our embassy there. I applaud President Trump for standing up for one of our closest allies. This recognition is based on ancient history and current political realities, and we must continue to voice that Jerusalem belongs to the people of Israel.” – Congresswoman Debbie Lesko (AZ-08)

“America and Israel’s unbreakable bond has been cemented through decades of trust, respect, and mutual cooperation. President Trump’s public recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s eternal capital, and his decision to relocate the US Embassy to Jerusalem, were historic moments for US-Israel relations, now and in the future. I am proud to stand with Israel, and to be a cosponsor of Congressman Biggs’ important resolution.” – Congressman Matt Gaetz (FL-01)

“A year after recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, we are seeing good progress in the Middle East. It is encouraging to see a number of other countries follow our example in relocating their embassies to the one, true capital of Israel – Jerusalem. Though there are still challenges to overcome, we will continue standing by our greatest ally. I’m delighted to celebrate this milestone with my colleagues and with the great people of Israel.” – Congressman Randy Weber (TX-14)

“I am excited to be a part of the one year anniversary of Jerusalem’s recognition in Israel. The Administration’s step to recognize Jerusalem as the capitol of the State of Israel and spiritual home for the Jewish people helped further our friendship with Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East. Congress has voted favorably many times in the past on this issue, and past Presidents have campaigned on this only to backtrack in office for fear of angering Palestinian and Arab communities. This year marks the continuance of my strong support on this issue.” – Congressman David Schweikert (AZ-06)

“Israel is our strongest friend and ally in the Middle East. This time last year, President Trump properly recognized Jerusalem as its capital and showed the world that the United States will always stand with her people,” said Rep. Williams. “For this reason I am proud to cosponsor Rep. Andy Biggs’ resolution, Commemorating the Anniversary of President Trump’s Recognition of Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel. I commend the President for his unwavering support of Israel and for remaining dedicated to backing our allies.” – Congressman Roger Williams (TX-25)

“All in one year, President Trump made the historic announcement to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s rightful capital, and the State Department moved the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. These actions were long overdue and exemplify the strong devotion and commitment the Trump Administration and the nation have to Israel. I am thankful to be working hand in hand with President Trump as we both stand wholeheartedly with Israel, our great ally and friend.” – Congressman Jeff Duncan (SC-03)

“One year after President Trump publicly recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and soon after moved the U.S. embassy there, the United States remains committed to supporting the State of Israel. I applaud this administration in their decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and the eternal friendship between our countries remains strong.” – Congressman Andy Harris (MD-01)

“One year ago, President Trump issued a proclamation to officially recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. With Israel’s legislature, Supreme Court, President’s office, and Prime Minister‘s office all being located in the city, Jerusalem is the epicenter of governance in the country.  Congress has repeatedly voted to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, despite previous administrations - both Republican and Democratic - failing to deliver. This proclamation, which also relocates our embassy to Jerusalem, is yet another promise that President Trump has fulfilled. As the Co-Chair of the Congressional Israel Victory Caucus, I firmly believe that by moving the United States Embassy to Jerusalem and recognizing it as Israel’s capital, we are sending a strong message of America’s support for our great ally - asserting the belief that Israel is the nation state of the Jewish people, and that Israel has the undeniable right to exist and defend herself.” – Congressman Bill Johnson (OH-06)

“I was incredibly pleased when President Trump announced the United States’ official recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. As the eternal capital of the Jewish people, this was a long-overdue and necessary action to demonstrate America’s unwavering support on behalf of our strongest ally in the Middle East. I look forward to the ongoing progress we will make to advance the important partnership and longstanding bond between our nations.” – Congressman John Ratcliffe (TX-04)

“It is the diplomatic right of any sovereign nation to choose where their capital is located; and, for 67 years, Israel has recognized Jerusalem as their capital,” said Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-GA). “I applaud President Trump for moving the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem a year ago, and my good friend Rep. Andy Biggs for commemorating this seismic event between the United States and Israel.” – Congressman Barry Loudermilk (GA-11)

“America’s relationship with Israel is unique, and it’s strength is the foundation of American leadership in the Middle East. One year ago, President Donald Trump announced that our embassy was to be relocated to Jerusalem, and I was grateful for the opportunity to lead the House delegation to the embassy’s opening in May. The President’s commitment to Promises Made, Promises Kept strengthens our bond with the people of Israel, who know they have an ally in America.” – Congressman Joe Wilson (SC-02)

“Israel has long been a friend and an ally to the United States, and it is a priority of mine to continue to stand with them and fortify our bonds. One year ago that bond was strengthened when the President did the right thing by affirming U.S. Law and recognizing Jerusalem as the eternal and undivided capital of Israel.” – Congressman Don Bacon (NE-02)

“We have a special partnership with Israel -- the country is our greatest ally in the Middle East and the only democracy in the region. We share the same values regarding individual rights and liberties, and it is essential we stand by them. I am grateful for President Trump’s leadership on this important issue and that he made the move to affirm Jerusalem as Israel’s rightful capital one year ago.” – Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler (MO-04)

“It has been a year since President Trump fulfilled his pledge to move the United States embassy to Jerusalem.  This long-overdue action demonstrates the close friendship between the United States and its strongest ally in the region.  I know President Trump will continue to strengthen our bond with Israel after neglect from previous Administrations.” – Congressman Todd Rokita (IN-04)

“One year ago, President Trump announced that the Unites States officially recognized the city of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Israel has long been our closest ally in the Middle East, and it was a great honor to witness the historic – and long overdue –  opening of the American Embassy in the holy city of Jerusalem just a few months later. Today, I’m proud to celebrate the anniversary of this recognition, and I look forward to continuing to strengthen the enduring ties between our two nations.” – Congressman Jody Hice (GA-10)
