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Congressman Pete Sessions

Representing the 32nd District of Texas


Accountability & Transparency

Taxpayers deserve transparency and accountability to see how their hard-earned dollars are being used. But too often, tax dollars are tainted with waste, fraud, and abuse perpetuated by backroom deals


The most fundamental duty of Congress is efficiently appropriating federal funds to ensure maximum value out of every tax dollar. This is a responsibility that I take very seriously.


Throughout my tenure in the United States House of Representatives, I have continually advocated for pro-growth solutions that contribute to American economic expansion.

Defense and Veterans

The safety and security of our nation is one of my top priorities.

Education & Special Education

I believe that education is first, last and always about our children. Every child, regardless of family income, should have the right to a quality education.


I strongly support a comprehensive, “all-of-the-above” energy policy that creates American jobs and promotes energy independence. An all-of-the-above, smart, and safe energy plan is necessary to our national security and for America to move toward energy independence.


As a father of two sons, I understand the need to conserve our natural resources and the environment for the generations to come.

Health Care & Disabilities

Since my election to Congress in 1996, health care has been an issue of great importance to me.


One of America's greatest strengths is that we are a nation of immigrants. The immigrants that built this country did so by following the law, working hard to contribute to the economy, and by becoming productive members of American society.


As American families and small businesses continue to struggle in our current economy, I am committed to pro-growth solutions that will help get the American people back to work.

Second Amendment

As a lifetime member of the National Rifle Association, I am a strong supporter of the constitutional right to keep and bear arms.

Social Security

One of my main focuses in Congress is protecting, preserving, and reforming Social Security.

Tax Relief

The unfortunately reality is that instead of promoting economic growth, our tax code is forcing jobs overseas and putting American taxpayers last, when they should be first.


In the past decade, the telecommunications industry has undergone sweeping changes lead by technology change and industry convergence.


Trade is one of the cornerstones of America’s relationship with other nations, and as the top exporting state in the nation for the 14th year in a row, Texas continues to be the American leader in international trade.


Efficient transportation infrastructure is critical to economic growth.
Military soldier saluting American flag


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