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Honorable Tim Walz

Representing the 1st District of MINNESOTA

Walz Introduces Legislation to Help College Students Succeed & Hardworking Families Afford Higher Education

Jun 21, 2017
Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Yesterday, U.S. Representative Tim Walz (MN-01) joined other House Democrats in introducing the Remedial Education Improvement Act, a bill that will help ensure students complete their higher education in a timely and affordable manner.

Many students entering college today are the first in their families to ever attempt a postsecondary degree or credential. Yet, one in three undergraduate students enters college academically unprepared and is required to take remedial coursework. In addition, far less students ever make it to graduation. In 2011, first-time, full-time students seeking an associate degree who took remedial education courses were 12 percent more likely to drop out of college and their bachelor degree-seeking peers who also took a remedial course were 74 percent more likely to drop out.

The Remedial Education Improvement Act would ensure students are moving to credit-bearing courses and being best served by institutions. Specifically, the Act would provide competitive grants to various colleges and universities in order that they develop or improve remedial education based on the five promising models identified in the fact sheet below: aligning coursework, accelerated coursework, modular instruction, co-requisite enrollment, and systemic reform. Moreover, if this Act were to become law, students who participate in programs funded through these grants may use federal student aid to support up to two years of remediation, thus reducing the financial burden on them and their families.

“As a teacher, I understand the importance of making sure every student has the opportunity to live up to their full potential,” said Rep. Walz. “This bill will help ensure students that are dedicated to completing their higher education don’t fall through the cracks, and assist their families in affording the additional work they may need to put in to succeed.”

This legislation is part of House Democrats’ legislative campaign, Aim Higher, to advance policy solutions that make higher education work for all students and their families. Reps. Donald Norcross (NJ-01) and Seth Moulton (MA-06) joined Rep. Walz in introducing this bill.

The Remedial Education Improvement Act

FACT SHEET: The Remedial Education Improvement Act

SECTION-BY-SECTION: The Remedial Education Improvement Act

