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Honorable Tim Walz

Representing the 1st District of MINNESOTA

Health Care

Patient-centered Affordable Health Care for You and Your Family

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is the law of the land. The historic passage of this health care reform law in 2010 works to bring more transparency and accountability to the health care industry and ensure you and your family have access to the patient-protections and high-quality health care you deserve.

The law is already working to lower prescription costs for seniors, protect young adults from losing their coverage, and protect one in two Americans who suffer from pre-existing condition. And it's giving peace of mind to southern Minnesota families, like Lisa Wojcik's family:

"Our son Konnor, now 12, was diagnosed with hydrocephalus and had his first brain surgery when he was just 4-months-old.  We quickly began to learn how expensive it would be to treat his long-term condition even though we had health insurance for him.  After other diagnoses over time including visual impairment, cerebral palsy, autism, and epilepsy, it became clear to us that we absolutely had to maintain health insurance coverage through one of our employers. Even with health insurance, we worried about lifetime caps and whether or not Konnor would be able to access affordable health insurance as an adult due to his pre-existing conditions. Prior to the Affordable Care Act, we definitely would not have been able to obtain private insurance coverage on our own due to Konnor's complex medical situation, which is no longer the case. Because of the Affordable Care Act, we are also assured that Konnor cannot be denied health insurance coverage in the future or have a lifetime cap on the ongoing medical care that he will need throughout his life. We are so thankful for the Affordable Care Act as it gives our family peace of mind."

Because of the patient-centered reforms and protections in the health care law, seniors will never again have to choose between buying groceries or filling their prescriptions; young adults won’t lose their coverage the day after they’ve earned their diplomas; and you can no longer be discriminated against and denied coverage for having a pre-existing condition, like fighting and beating cancer or simply being a woman.

  • Click here for a fact sheet on how the law is working to provide patient-protections and better care for you and your family.

As I’ve always said, health care reform is a journey, not a destination. The Affordable Care Act isn’t perfect and I am willing to work with anyone who is genuine in their attempts to improve the law. That being said, I will continue to fight reckless attempts to repeal these patient protections and put big insurance companies back in charge.

To learn more about the how the health care reform law is working to benefit you now, visit the website by clicking here.

If you’re an uninsured Minnesotan looking to purchase health care, please visit the MNsure Marketplace by clicking here.

More on Health Care

Jul 11, 2018 Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Representatives Tim Walz (MN-01) and Collin Peterson (MN-07) announced they are introducing the Protect Medicare for Seniors Act of 2018 to delay the transition of Medicare Cost plan beneficiaries to Medicare Advantage plans from 2019 to 2021.

Nov 1, 2017 Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Representative Tim Walz (MN-01) joined Congressman Ben Ray Luján (D-NM) and U.S. Senator Brian Schatz (D-HI) to introduce the State Public Option Act, bicameral legislation to create a Medicaid-based public health care option on the insurance marketplace, which will provide Americans with a new high-quality, low-cost choice when purchasing health insurance. The bill already has more than 30 cosponsors in both the House and Senate.

Oct 5, 2017 Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Representatives Tim Walz, Keith Ellison, Betty McCollum, Richard Nolan, and Collin Peterson urged Speaker Paul Ryan and Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to bring bipartisan legislation to reauthorize the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) to the House Floor for a vote as soon as possible. CHIP, a federal program created in 1997 to help states provide health insurance to low-income populations, covers roughly 9 million children across the nation.

Jul 31, 2017 Press Release

Mankato, MN –U.S. Representative Tim Walz (MN-01) released the following statement regarding proposed health insurance rates announced by the Minnesota Department of Commerce:

Jul 31, 2017 Press Release

ALBERT LEA, MN – Today, U.S. Representative Tim Walz (MN-01) sent a letter to the President and CEO of Mayo Clinic, John H. Noseworthy M.D., on behalf of constituents concerned with the consequences of losing access to certain services Mayo provides in their hometown. Rep. Walz sent the letter after hearing from local officials, union leaders, First District constituents, and interested parties at a roundtable conversation earlier today on Mayo Clinic’s decision to close certain hospital services at its Albert Lea facility.

May 5, 2017 Press Release

MANKATO, MN – Today, U.S. Representative Tim Walz (MN-01) released the following statement on the American Health Care Act’s impact on MinnesotaCare. According to the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS), as of January 1, 2020, the Republican bill, which passed the House yesterday, would in essence terminate all federal funding for MinnesotaCare, which covers more than 100,000 Minnesotans:

May 4, 2017 Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Representative Tim Walz (MN-01) released the following statement after voting against the Republicans’ American Health Care Act on the House Floor:

Mar 24, 2017 Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Representative Tim Walz (MN-01) released the following statement after Speaker Ryan pulled the American Health Care Act from consideration on the House Floor:

Mar 20, 2017 Press Release

MANKATO, MN – Today, U.S. Representative Tim Walz (MN-01) released the following statement regarding a potential House vote this week on the American Health Care Act:

Mar 7, 2017 Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, U.S. Representative Tim Walz (MN-01) is inviting constituents of Minnesota’s First Congressional District to review the American Health Care Act, a bill Republicans have introduced to repeal and replace the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: