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Honorable Tim Walz

Representing the 1st District of MINNESOTA

Ranking Member Walz Commemorates Veterans Day, 100 Years since the End of World War I

Nov 11, 2018
Press Release

MANKATO, MN – Today, U.S. Representative Tim Walz (MN-01), Ranking Member of the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs (HVAC), released the following statement commemorating Veterans Day 2018 and the 100th Anniversary of the end of World War I:

“On Veterans Day, we pause to celebrate and honor American veterans of all generations for their patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good. Our veterans are the reason so many people in this country and across the world are free to pursue happiness. Their service is our freedom. Their selflessness is our liberty. Their sacrifice is our democracy. Today, we join in solemn gratitude to honor all American men and women who have bravely borne the battle.

“Today also marks 100 years since the end of WWI, a devastating conflict that claimed the lives of tens of millions and changed the course of human history forever. Nearly 5 million Americans selflessly put their lives on the line to serve in the conflict, and thanks to them, the Allies were successful in defeating the Central Powers. It was in their honor that President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed November 11th Armistice Day, the precursor to what we now call Veterans Day.

“As a nation, we have made a sacred promise to care for our veterans and their families, caregivers and survivors. In commemorating our veterans today, we rededicate ourselves to upholding this promise. We do that by fighting to improve the delivery of care and benefits for veterans at VA, filling the tens of thousands of VA employee vacancies, standing up to those who seek to profit from VA privatization, and doing everything in our power to turn the tide on the epidemic of veteran suicide and homelessness.

“This is a critical moment in history for our veterans. There are countless initiatives underway that stand to vastly improve VA’s capacity to deliver quality healthcare and benefits to veterans across this great nation. Whether it is the implementation of the VA MISSION Act, modernizing VA’s electronic health record, or ensuring student veterans receive the educational benefits they deserve, it is the responsibility of Congress to hold the administration accountable every step of the way as VA works to implement these important initiatives.

“While this will be my final Veterans Day serving in the U.S. House of Representatives, I look forward to continuing to work with veterans, veterans’ advocates, and VSOs to uphold our promise to veterans. They and their families deserve nothing less.”
