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U.S. Senators Awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom

The Presidential Medal of Freedom is given by the president of the United States to honor individuals who have made great contributions to either the United States or the world. To date, 28 senators have received the award.

Baker, Howard H., Jr. (R-TN)

Mar 26,1984

Bentsen, Lloyd M. (D-TX)

Aug 11, 1999

Brooke, Edward (R-MA)

Jun 23, 2004

Chafee, John (R-RI)

Aug 9, 2000

Dole, Robert (R-KS)

Jan 17, 1997

Fulbright, J. William (D-AR)

May 5, 1993

Glenn, John H. (D-OH)

May 29, 2012

Goldwater, Barry M. (R-AZ)

Mar 12, 1986

Hatch, Orrin G. (R-UT)

Nov 16, 2018

Humphrey, Hubert H. (D-MN)

Jun 9, 1980

Inouye, Daniel K. (D-HI)

Nov 20, 2013

Jackson, Henry M. "Scoop" (D-WA)

Jun 26, 1984

Javits, Jacob K. (R-NY)

Feb 23, 1983

Johnson, Lyndon B. (D-TX)

Jun 9, 1980

Kennedy, Edward M. (D-MA)

Aug 12, 2009

Kennedy, John F. (D-MA)

Dec 6, 1993

Lehman, Herbert H. (D-NY)

Jan 28, 1964

Lugar, Richard G. (R-IN)

Nov 20, 2013

Mansfield, Michael (D-MT)

Jan 19, 1989

McGovern, George (D-SD)

Aug 9, 2000

Mikulski, Barbara (D-MD)

Nov 24, 2015

Mitchell, George J. (D-ME)

Mar 17, 1999

Moynihan, Daniel Patrick (D-NY)

Aug 9, 2000

Muskie, Edmund S. (D-ME)

Jan 16, 1981

Nelson, Gaylord (D-WI)

Sept 29, 1995

Pepper, Claude (D-FL)

May 26, 1989

Smith, Margaret Chase (R-ME)

Jul 6, 1989

Thurmond, Strom (R-SC)

Jan 12, 1993