
Now, more than ever, getting a high quality education is essential for success.  A college degree is increasingly necessary for access to high-paying jobs, and an educated workforce is essential for the United States to remain competitive in a global economy in which technology is playing a bigger and bigger role.  That’s why I support efforts to make college more affordable through slowing the runaway inflation of tuition, funding Pell grants, and providing affordable student loans.

The federal government’s role in our elementary and secondary education system has never been more important.  Our public education system provides for the economic mobility we think of as the American Dream.  There are, however, improvements we must make to ensure that our students receive a high-quality education from high-quality teachers.  We should work to incentivize current graduates to become teachers and ensure they receive the training to make them effective in the classroom.  In addition, we have to hold our teachers and schools accountable for student performance, and make room for innovative approaches like those employed by magnet and charter schools.

Research shows that early investments in education show big returns in later years.  That is why I support increased funding for Head Start and ensuring that every child receives a high-quality preschool education.  This is proven to close the achievement gap and help prepare all students for success in kindergarten and elementary school.

I voted for H.R. 1911, the Bipartisan Student Loan Certainty Act of 2013, because I believe that college students need affordable student loans to ensure they have access to higher education.  I voted against H.R. 5, the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, because it cut education funding and reduced accountability for teachers and schools.  We have to find bipartisan agreement on our fiscal challenges, but funding high-quality education should always remain a priority.

More on Education

Jul 27, 2017

WASHINGTON – Congressman John K. Delaney (MD-6) has reintroduced the Early Learning Act for the 115th Congress, legislation to create access to universal pre-k nationwide. The Early Learning Act provides states with federal funding to establish high-quality free pre-k programs for all four year old children. Congressman Delaney first introduced the Early Learning Act in 2015.

May 12, 2017

HAGERSTOWN – Congressman John K. Delaney (MD-6) hosted a College, Trade School and Financial Aid Workshop Thursday evening in Hagerstown at Washington County Technical High School. Over 175 people attended the event, which featured representatives from over 60 schools and organizations. Congressman Delaney also hosted a college workshop the night before in Germantown and is the author of bipartisan legislation to help Americans struggling with excessive student loan debt.   

May 11, 2017

GERMANTOWN – Over 300 people attended a College, Trade School and Financial Aid Workshop hosted by Congressman John K. Delaney (MD-6) Wednesday evening in Germantown. The event was free to attend and open to the public and took place at Northwest High School. The workshop is the 30th constituent services workshop Congressman Delaney has hosted since 2015. Congressman Delaney will also host a College, Trade School and Financial Aid Workshop Thursday evening at Washington County Technical High School in Hagerstown.

May 9, 2017

Looking for help to pay for higher education?

U.S. Rep. John K. Delaney, D-Md., will host a free College, Trade School and Financial Aid Workshop at 6 p.m. Thursday at Washington County Technical High School, 50 W. Oak Ridge Drive, Hagerstown.

"In today’s globally connected, high-skill, high-tech economy, education is more important than ever before,” Delaney said in a statement.

May 5, 2017

WASHINGTON – Congressman John K. Delaney (MD-6) has filed bipartisan legislation to help Americans struggling with excessive student loan debt. Congressman John Katko (NY-24) is the lead Republican cosponsor of the bill. The Discharge Student Loans in Bankruptcy Act (H.R. 2366) reforms federal bankruptcy rules to establish parity between student loan debt and other forms of debt. Under current law, student loan debt cannot be discharged.  

Jun 11, 2016

FREDERICK – Congressman John K. Delaney (MD-6) hosted a College Financial Aid Workshop Saturday at Tuscarora High School in Frederick. The event was attended by over 150 local residents and was the 18th constituent services workshop Delaney has held since 2015. The workshop offered Marylanders a chance to speak one-on-one with federal, state and local representatives on how to pay for higher education and also featured a presentation from the United States Department of Education.

Jun 1, 2016

Congressman John K. Delaney (MD-6) will host a College Financial Aid Workshop June 11 in Frederick. The event will take place at Tuscarora High School and will feature representatives from federal, state and local institutions and agencies who will be on hand to answer questions about financial aid options and how to finance college and career goals. The event is free to attend and open to the public.

Please register for the event by clicking here.

May 10, 2016

FREDERICK – Congressman John K. Delaney (MD-6) held a Service Academy Night Monday evening in Frederick. The event featured representatives from the nation’s five military academies and offered local students, parents and educators an opportunity to learn more about the service academies. The event was attended by over 130 local residents and took place at the C. Burr Artz Public Library. Delaney will also host a Service Academy Night May 19 at Gaithersburg High School. The event was the 16th constituent services workshop Delaney has held since 2015.

Jan 15, 2016

GAITHERSBURG – Congressman John K. Delaney (MD-6) hosted a Financial Aid Workshop for College and Trade School Thursday evening in Gaithersburg. The event at Gaithersburg High School was attended by over 125 people and featured a panel discussion and an opportunity for Marylanders to speak one-on-one with federal, state and local higher education and financial aid representatives. The Workshop featured special guest the Honorable Ted Mitchell, Under Secretary of the United States Department of Education.

Sep 29, 2015

WASHINGTON – Congressman John K. Delaney (MD-6) wrote to House colleagues in both parties today, urging them to support his Early Learning Act (H.R. 3542). Delaney’s legislation provides state governments with federal funding to establish or expand their pre-K programs, with funding coming from a 1.5% increase on individual income, dividends and capital gains above $500,000. Delaney’s legislation makes access to free pre-K for all a reality in all 50 states.
