Cmte Appropriations (R)

House Passes First Package of Appropriations Bills

Washington, Jun 8 -

The House today approved a package – commonly called a “mini-bus” – of three fiscal year 2019 Appropriations bills, including Energy and Water, Military Construction and Veterans Affairs, and the Legislative Branch.

In total, the package provides $145.4 billion in discretionary funding, with the majority of this funding supporting our national defense and veterans.

“These bills provide funding to rebuild our military infrastructure, support military families, improve nuclear security, support our nation’s energy and water infrastructure, and assure the smooth and safe operations of the Legislative Branch,” House Appropriations Committee Chairman Rodney Frelinghuysen said. “This legislation begins the Appropriations process for this fiscal year, and sends the message that Congress is here to get our work done on behalf of the American people. We are committed to keeping the government open and functional with legislative action and responsible levels of funding.”

For the floor amendments to the bill, please visit:

For the text of the draft bill, please visit:

For the draft bill reports, please visit:

Energy and Water –

Military Construction/Veterans Affairs –

Legislative Branch –