Jul 08 2011

Graham on Stagnant Job Creation and Rising Unemployment

WASHINGTON -- U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today made this statement on the news only 18,000 private sector jobs were created last month and the national unemployment rate had risen to 9.2 percent.


“If government-run health-care, new layers of bureaucratic red tape, and dramatic increases in federal spending were the perfect cocktail for job creation, we would have been flooded with new jobs.

“Unfortunately for us, the federal spending binge President Obama and congressional Democrats engaged in over the past two years is proving to be a lethal, job-killing combination.  Their agenda leads to perpetual economic stagnation and is creating an insurmountable wall for private sector job creation.

“Now is the time to reduce spending, engage in meaningful regulatory reform, and keep taxes low so we can give American job creators a fighting chance to help turn our economy around.”
