Rep. McNerney Speaks about Gun Violence on House Floor
As the entire world watched, the President of United States allowed an adversarial and dangerous foreign leader to question the integrity of our most trusted institutions. This is truly a sad day in American history.
Rep. McNerney Slams the Separation of Families at the Border

Tonight, House Republicans gave in to pressure from the president and jeopardized our government’s stability. The Senate already passed a bipartisan funding measure, but House Republicans refused to bring that bill to the floor. Instead, they offered their own version of the bill, which included $5 billion for the president’s wasteful border wall. I voted against this legislation, not just because of the inclusion of the excessive border wall funding, but because this is not our government should function. In the 11th hour, after many compromises had been made in order to produce a robust and essential funding bill, the president pulled the rug out from under us, and House Republicans – a majority of whom supported the bill just hours before – fell in line. They’re willing to shut down the government to avoid challenging the president. But, we weren’t sent to Washington to work for the president. We were sent here to work for the American people.

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Congratulations to the Liberty High School football team - this year's winners of the CIF State Football Championship! I hope you'll join me in applauding these young athletes for their hard work and determination.
The Liberty High School football team put the school’s 116-year history on its shoulders at the start of the 2018 CIF State Football Championship Division 1A bowl game against Sierra