Congressman Jerry McNerney

Representing the 9th District of California
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Voting Record

"One of the most important responsibilities of Congress is developing laws that are consistent with our values and providing responsible oversight on behalf of the people who've elected to put their trust in us. As the Representative for the 9th Congressional District of California, I am dedicated to enacting policies that strengthen our communities and create economic opportunity for all Americans." - Congressman Jerry McNerney
  • Click here to view Congressman Jerry McNerney's latest votes in the U.S. House of Representatives.
  • Click here to learn how to read the roll call information.

Recent Votes

Date Roll Call Bill Vote
12/21/2018 500 S.3628 Yea
12/21/2018 499 H.CON.RES.148 Yea
12/21/2018 497 H.R.7388 Nay
12/21/2018 496 S.3456 Yea