Congressman Jerry McNerney

Representing the 9th District of California
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Rep. McNerney Awarded United Nations Association’s Global Citizen Award

Oct 24, 2018
Press Release

Stockton, CA – In celebration of United Nations (UN) Day, the East Bay Chapter of the United Nations Association (UNA) presented Congressman Jerry McNerney (CA-09) with the Global Citizen Award for his leadership and accomplishments on climate action and human rights.

“It’s an honor to receive this award,” said Congressman McNerney. “The East Bay Chapter of the United Nations Association is one of the most active chapters and has been advocating for and advancing the UN’s core principles for decades. Through educational programs and advocacy opportunities, they have offered students and young professionals in our community the chance to engage on key issues and critical challenges facing our global society.”

Congressman McNerney previously led a group of Bay-area members in submitting an official Congressional statement of support for the Bay Area Climate Action Forum, which was hosted by the UNA in conjunction with several other organizations.

“Now more than ever, it is imperative that we commit to addressing the imminent dangers of climate change,” said Congressman McNerney. “We’re facing many challenges and threats as this administration works to roll back progress and endangers public health by gutting critical air and water quality protections. I’ve had the honor of working with the UNA East Bay Chapter to bring these critical issues to forefront of our national policy conversations, and I will continue to fight for policies to counteract and mitigate the effects of climate change and promote equality and fairness for all.”

"On behalf of the United Nations Association East Bay, I applaud Congressman McNerney for his leadership in the areas of climate action and human rights," said Melinda Howard-Herrarte, President of the United Nations Association East Bay Chapter. "As a rare scientist in Congress, he is uniquely posed to shed light on the devastating effects of climate change on vulnerable populations, and he has chosen to champion the truth again and again despite opinion of the current administration. Congressman McNerney has been a stalwart ally of the United Nations in the global fight against climate change. We are honored to recognize him as one of the East Bay's shining stars and a worthy global citizen."

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Rep. Jerry McNerney proudly serves the constituents of California’s 9th Congressional District that includes portions of San Joaquin, Contra Costa, and Sacramento Counties. For more information on Rep. McNerney’s work, follow him on Facebook and on Twitter @RepMcNerney.