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Enzi honors veterans

November 11, 2008

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., paid tribute to the more than 57,000 veterans in Wyoming and thanked them for their courage in protecting our citizens, as well as allowing the freedoms we have today.

"Today is a special day to honor our veterans. Our appreciation for them should be every day all year long, not just today.

"My thoughts and prayers are with our current military men and women serving overseas and also with those who will soon be serving our country.

"Every day I am reminded that the liberty and prosperity we enjoy as Americans is not free. Freedom comes to us at a great cost and the tremendous personal sacrifices of our nation’s veterans.

"This week, as many of our sons, daughters, neighbors, and friends continue to serve in Iraq, Afghanistan and around the world to ensure our safety and security here at home, we have the opportunity to honor them.

"Words cannot express how grateful I am, and how grateful as a nation we are to those who have served and continue to serve. I commend the continued efforts of our troops and wish them home safely."