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Yellowstone access will remain at 720 snowmobiles

Enzi praises decision, open access

November 17, 2008

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., made the following comments after the National Park Service announced it will open Yellowstone National Park up to 720 snowmobiles per day starting December 15. Enzi praised Judge Clarence Brimmer’s decision to ensure the park will uphold reasonable access to visitors during the winter months.

“I appreciate Judge Brimmer’s thoughtfulness and diligence on this issue. He is knowledgeable, reasonable and he understands the west. I encourage all of the people working on the permanent winter use plan for Yellowstone to remember that the park was intended for the enjoyment of the people. It is imperative to keep access open during every season,” said Enzi.

A copy of the National Park Service's news release about the decision is included below.