Congressman Donald Norcross

Representing the 1st District of New Jersey
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Health Care

Access to quality and affordable health care is critical to our prosperity as a nation. Our current healthcare system focuses largely on treating symptoms, not finding cures so our priority should be funding cutting edge research. Social Security and Medicare are critical safety net programs that serve our nation’s most vulnerable, so we need to ensure their benefits meet the needs of American seniors by accurately reflecting their cost of living. Over the past hundred years, scientists have made great strides in combatting deadly diseases such as polio and the measles, both of which have been virtually eliminated in the United States. We need to support initiatives that increase investment and create opportunities for great scientific breakthroughs.

More on Health Care

Dec 14 2018
News Release
“CAMcare and Project H.O.P.E provide high-quality healthcare for families in our district that need it most and, in turn, keep our neighbors healthy and out of Emergency Rooms.”
Sep 24 2018
News Release
"In South Jersey, our world-class hospital systems are growing and providing great care, but the Trump Administration wants to take away nearly $7 million that’s helping our most vulnerable families."
Sep 21 2018
News Release
"It's inspiring to hear from survivors, along with medical research and treatment experts, in South Jersey."
Aug 23 2018
News Release
“Our top-notch South Jersey universities are shaping the next generation of students, and with these grants, our area is poised to make its mark on future medical discoveries.”
Jul 9 2018
News Release
“Some of our country’s most important values are at stake and Americans’ voices will be left behind if the court moves to the extreme right."
Jul 9 2018
News Release
"Now, with Justice Kennedy retiring, there is a new opportunity for extremists to rip healthcare away from millions of Americans and undermine women’s rights — and we cannot let that happen."
Jun 8 2018
News Release
“Investments like these improve the well-being of our neighbors and friends, help us battle the disease of addiction at home and support jobs for hard-working health care professionals who devote their time to helping others.”
May 24 2018
News Release
“I am proud that cutting-edge research is being conducted in South Jersey and that Rowan University will be boosting our local knowledge-base and innovative spirit.”
Sep 15 2017
News Release
U.S. Congressman Donald Norcross announced that Rutgers University in Camden has been awarded a $452,829 federal Academic Research Enhancement Award by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) National Institute of General Medical Sciences.
Aug 18 2017
News Release
"This grant will expand educational opportunities, as well as health services, in our area. I am always glad to see and support institutions – like colleges and medical centers – working together to best help our communities."