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Committees and Caucuses

Natural Resources

Congresswoman Napolitano has been a member of the House Committee on Natural Resources since the 106th Congress and currently serves on the Water and Power Subcommittee. She has always been an avid promoter of conservation, water recycling, desalination, and sound groundwater management and storage to address Southern California’s need for adequate water quality and supply.  She is proud of her legislative efforts on a number of fronts – assisting in the implementation of CALFED, a water management plan for the State of California, protection of the fragile ecosystem in the Bay-Delta and promotion of the use of advanced technologies.  Her legislative effort in 1999 to begin removal of a 10.5 million ton uranium tailings pile at the banks of the Colorado in Moab, Utah, stands out as a major accomplishment, alleviating a very real danger to the health of more than 25 million people living in 7 states, an ecosystem that supports the Southwest’s tourism industry, two national monuments, and a variety of pristine natural habitats. 

Natural Resources Committee
Subcommittee on Water, Power & Oceans

Transportation and Infrastructure

At the start of the 110th Congress, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced the appointment of Napolitano as the most senior new member of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, yielding her a voice for her communities on matters of jurisdiction over America 's surface transportation, freight and passenger rail, the inland waterway system, international maritime commerce, the Economic Development Administration, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ' support of the nation 's water resources, and the federal clean water program. Napolitano brought her strong background and experience to the Committee with 6 years on the California State Assembly Transportation Committee, and current work for the San Gabriel Valley. She advocates on behalf of the transportation needs faced in the eastern half of Los Angeles County, which lacks mass transit and has the most congested and underserved transportation system in the country. She continues to advance and promote the ideas of minorities, including the many Hispanic Americans who not only design and build our transportation systems, but use mass transit in greater proportion.

Transportation & Infrastructure Committee

Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment, Ranking Member
Subcommittee on Aviation
Subcommittee on Highways and Transit
Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials


Congressional Mental Health Caucus

Congresswoman Napolitano is the founder and Chair of the Congressional Mental Health Caucus, where she promotes access to mental health for children and adolescents, improved mental health resources for veterans, and increased mental health coverage for all.

Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC)

The Congresswoman is a former Chairwoman of the CHC. The Caucus addresses national issues such as education, immigration, healthcare, and the impact of these policies on the Hispanic community. The CHC cooperates on shared priorities with the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus, the Congressional Black Caucus, and the Progressive Caucus.  Napolitano has worked with CHC Task Force Chairs to provide leadership on critical legislative and policy priorities, such as ensuring that minority healthcare needs were addressed within healthcare reform and promoting the federal appointment of Hispanics like Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor. The CHC has offered legislation addressing comprehensive immigration reform, and a nation-wide solution for the country’s broken immigration system continues to be a major priority.

Other Congressional Caucus Memberships

California Democratic Congressional Delegation

Addiction, Treatment & Recovery Caucus

Community College Caucus

Congressional Arts Caucus

Congressional Bike Caucus

Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues

Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues

Congressional Caucus on California High-Speed Rail

Congressional Caucus on Hellenic Issues

Congressional Caucus on India & Indian Americans

Congressional Caucus on the Judicial Branch

Congressional Caucus on Foster Youth

Congressional Coastal Caucus

Congressional Courthouse Caucus

Congressional Diabetes Caucus

Congressional Hydropower Caucus

Congressional Labor & Working Families Caucus

Congressional Native American Caucus

Congressional Nursing Caucus

Congressional Steel Caucus

Congressional Taiwan Caucus

Congressional Wildlife Refuge Caucus

Goods Movement Caucus

House Baltic Caucus

House Diversity & Innovation Caucus

House Manufacturing Caucus

House Nursing Caucus

House Sugar Caucus

Neuroscience Caucus

Out of Iraq Caucus

Public Broadcasting Caucus

U.S.-Mexico Friendship Caucus

Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus

Congressional Progressive Caucus