Getting My Marching Orders, Stopping the Caravan, & More

Oct 28, 2018


U.S. Representative Todd Rokita of Indiana's 4th District

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Dear Friend, 

Thank you for the opportunity to update you on the work of the 115th Congress. I trust this finds you and your family well, as we work together to bring Hoosier common sense to Washington.

In This Week's Rokita Report

Recent Photos

new new pumpkin

Indiana thrives because of its family values and the time we spend with our loved ones. Kathy, Teddy, Ryan, and I had a great time as a family picking pumpkins at Beasley’s Orchard in Danville.


Like many Hoosier families, Ryan and I love fishing together. Ryan was excited to catch his biggest fish of the season. I see how fishing teaches him the importance of patience and hard work. 


As the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education, I visited Beverly Hills High School to learn about their school safety routine.

Frankfort Town Hall

town hall

On October 21, 2018, I had the privilege of meeting with constituents at my Frankfort Town Hall. During my eight years in Congress, I have been proud to serve and fight for all Hoosiers so they can build better for themselves and their families.  

I have enjoyed representing Hoosiers in Washington, but my favorite part of the job has been traveling over 125,000 miles throughout the 4th District to meet with all of you over the years. It is my constituents who give me my marching orders. It is always an honor to meet and speak to all of you who come to my events and voice your opinion.  

I want to thank everyone who came out to the Frankfort Town Hall to discuss the issues most important to you. A wide variety of issues were discussed, including health care, the Farm Bill, and immigration. Local issues, like the need for a weather radar in the district for safety purposes, were also brought to my attention.  

I learn so much by talking to each of you. I will take what we discussed there and bring it back to Washington. It has been the honor of a lifetime serving my constituents, and I will continue to fight on your behalf until my last day in office. 

Stopping The Caravan

The caravan making its way to America is around 7,000 strong and about 1,000 miles away from our border. A nation is only sovereign if it has secure borders. I applaud President Trump’s leadership in taking a strong stance to protect our border from the caravan. In recent days, President Trump has announced that he is deploying hundreds of soldiers to our southern border to stop these illegal immigrants. 

For too long, our immigration laws have been ignored. We have allowed millions of people to come here illegally and seek asylum in sanctuary cities. I have been a strong proponent of tougher immigration laws by introducing the SLAP Act, which would punish any elected official in a sanctuary city who refuses to comply with our immigration law. Until we build the wall, illegal immigrants will continue to threaten our security and the integrity of our laws. 

America's Safe Schools Week

As the Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education, I understand the importance of cultivating a safe environment for our children to learn and grow. Our children's well-being is of utmost importance, and it should be a priority to equip professionals entrusted with our students' lives with the tools they need to keep our children safe.

I believe that we need to continue to come together as a community of professionals and learn best practices to keep our children out of harm’s way. I have hosted School Safety Summits in the past, and I look forward to my upcoming summit to speak with law enforcement and other education professionals on the skills and tools we need to further protect our students.


In Case you Missed it


Thank you for your continued interest in Congress and for supporting my

efforts to bring Hoosier common sense to Washington. Take care.
