Helping After Hurricane Michael, American Spirit Award, & More

Oct 20, 2018


U.S. Representative Todd Rokita of Indiana's 4th District

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Dear Friend, 

Thank you for the opportunity to update you on the work of the 115th Congress. I trust this finds you and your family well, as we work together to bring Hoosier common sense to Washington.

In This Week's Rokita Report

Photos and Videos


Bruce Buchanan, a 4th District corn farmer, is grateful to President Trump for his recent decision to allow E15 fuel cells.


Thank you to Mark and Abhi and my entire district staff for their help.  They gathered supplies that were needed by those impacted by Hurricane Michael in Florida.


Israel is a crucial ally of the United States.  I recently spoke on the House Floorin support of President Trump's efforts to strengthen our friendship.

Town Hall in Frankfort on Sunday

Public meetings are a chance for me to get my marching orders to discuss issues directly with my fellow Hoosiers.  To provide an opportunity to do so, I will be holding a Town Hall on October 21st.  I look forward to hearing from you at the Frankfort Neighborhood Center.


When: Sunday, October 21st starting at 2 PM ET

Where: Frankfort Neighborhood Center

259 South 3rd Street, Frankfort

Helping After Hurricane Michael

On Monday, Team Rokita was honored to participate in Hoosier Hospitality by donating supplies for those affected by Hurricane Michael.  My staff collected needed supplies, such as diapers, food, water, tarp, and bleach, to help those in need.  I personally flew the supplies to Florida where they could be put to immediate use.  I would like to thank my staff and everyone who has been helping Floridians recover from this storm.

The plane was loaded with supplies and ready to go to Florida.

American Spirit Award for Aviation Support

This week, I was honored to receive the American Spirit Award by the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) for my work with general aviation.  The NBAA American Spirit Award is presented in recognition of an individual within business aviation who exemplifies courage, and is in the pursuit of excellence and service to others that characterize the men and women who created and nurtured the American aviation community.  Some past recipients include Captain ‘Sully’ Sullenberger, the passengers and crew of United flight 93, and former president of the NBAA, Jack Olcott.  You can find a list of past recipients here.

America has the largest, safest, and most effective aviation system in the world, and general aviation plays a key role in that.  In Indiana alone, general aviation has an economic impact of $5.8 billion.  My team and I have been able to protect and grow general aviation in Indiana and across the nation by rolling back red-tape and introducing bills like my Securing and Revitalizing Aviation (SARA) Act, that adds protections for the aviation community.  I will continue to push for system modernization and to protect general aviation.

In the 114th Congress, I introduced H.R. 1086, the General Aviation Pilot Protection Act, a bipartisan effort to reform third-class medical certification.  Third-class medical reforms were signed into law and went into effect on May, 1 2017.  This Congress, Congressman Rokita introduced H.R. 6957, the Securing and Revitalizing Aviation (SARA) Act, which would improve protections for the aviation community.

Lowest Unemployment Since 1969

The U.S. unemployment rate reached its lowest levels since 1969 after the economy added 134,000 jobs in September.  This is the latest sign that the pro-growth policies promoted by House Republicans and President Donald Trump are working.  We have been committed to removing the roadblocks put in place by the previous administration.

The American economy excels when Americans take charge.  High taxes and excess regulations were crippling the economy.  Thanks to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, the American tax code is competitive.  Our businesses are no longer burdened by one of the world's highest tax rates and Americans are saving money.  According to the Tax Foundation, the average Hoosier in the Fourth District saves $1,425 in taxes.  Hoosiers, not Washington, know how to spend their own money.

Under President Trump, for every new regulation enacted a record twenty-two have been repealed.  Proposed regulations have been withdrawn.  One of the regulations was overturned by a bill that I wrote and which was signed into law by President Trump.  My bill repealed onerous proposed requirements that would have grown the Department of Education's role in determining local education accountability standards.  As Chairman of the Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education, I believe that parents, states, and our communities should be deciding the education of children, not Washington bureaucrats.

The results of these efforts are clear, the American economy is booming.


In Case you Missed it

Thank you for your continued interest in Congress and for supporting my

efforts to bring Hoosier common sense to Washington. Take care.
