Summary: S.1827 — 115th Congress (2017-2018)All Information (Except Text)

Bill summaries are authored by CRS.

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Reported to Senate with amendment(s) (12/20/2017)

Keep Kids' Insurance Dependable and Secure Act of 2017 or the KIDS Act of 2017

(Sec. 2) This bill extends funding through FY2022 for the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and the Childhood Obesity Demonstration Project.

In addition, the bill reauthorizes through FY2022:

  • the qualifying-states option (which allows states that provided coverage to now CHIP-eligible children prior to CHIP's enactment to continue to provide such coverage), and
  • the express-lane eligibility option (which allows states to use eligibility findings from other public benefit programs to determine children's eligibility for Medicaid and CHIP).

Beginning in FY2020, the bill allows state child-health plans to adopt more restrictive eligibility standards with respect to children in families whose income exceeds 300% of the poverty line.

(Sec. 3) The bill extends funding through FY2022 for the Childhood Obesity Demonstration Project and the Pediatric Quality Measures Program.

(Sec. 4) The bill extends funding through FY2022 for specified outreach and enrollment grants.

(Sec. 5) Current law provides states with an enhanced Federal Matching Assistance Percentage (FMAP) for child-health assistance through FY2019. The bill maintains the enhanced FMAP in FY2020, but halves the percentage-point increase.