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Washington, D.C. – Many Americans spent the weekend huddled over forms, receipts and a calculator preparing their taxes. U.S. Senator Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., was no exception. As the only accountant in the Senate, he is using his experience to inform his colleagues of the pitfalls the Washington tax and spend policies are having on American families.

“On April 15 Americans get a real life dose of just how much of their income goes to support the government. This year estimates show that over 30 percent of income is forked over to pay taxes,” said Enzi. “The Senate this year passed a budget that included the largest tax hike in history. I voted against that bill and will spend the next year working on legislation that reins in spending and stops the toxic tax and spend policy that is oozing through Washington.”

Tax Freedom Day

This year ‘Tax Freedom Day’, the day that Americans have finally earned enough money in 2008 to pay their taxes, falls on April 23.

“For every hour worked, nearly 20 minutes of that work is to pay for government programs. That is too long. Americans deserve a tax system that is fair and simple and will let them keep more of what they earn,” said Enzi.

The Office of Management and Budget reports that 30.8 percent of Americans’ income goes toward taxes.

Enzi supports legislation to move the Senate to biennial budgeting, similar to the Wyoming legislature. He has also sponsored bills to permanently repeal the death tax and make the increased child tax credit, the marriage penalty relief, the adoption tax credit, the tuition deduction and the teacher deduction permanent. He also supports making increased expensing limits for small business permanent as well as the new income tax rates and capital gains and dividends rates permanent.