Summary: S.Res.21 — 112th Congress (2011-2012)All Information (Except Text)

There is one summary for S.Res.21. Bill summaries are authored by CRS.

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Introduced in Senate (01/25/2011)

Amends Rule XXII (Precedence of Motions) of the Standing Rules of the Senate to state that, if the Senate has voted against closing debate (cloture) on a measure, motion, or other matter (measure), but a majority of the Senators present have voted to invoke cloture, then the debate procedures under the Rule shall be in order at any time, so long as that measure, motion or other matter has continued as the only pending business subsequent to the vote against cloture.

Makes it in order for the Majority Leader or his designee to move to invoke cloture on the pending measure on the grounds that no Senator seeks recognition to debate it.

Requires the Presiding Officer: (1) immediately after the motion is made, and before putting forth the question, to inquire whether any Senator seeks recognition to debate the measure; (2) if a Senator seeks such recognition, to announce that the Senate is proceeding under extended debate (filibuster); and (3) to recognize that Senator.

Prohibits the entertainment of any dilatory motions, motions to suspend any rule or any part of it, or any dilatory quorum call if the Senate enters into a filibuster.

Authorizes Senators to speak more than twice on a question during filibuster.

Requires the Senate, if during filibuster specified proceedings occur, and unless the Majority Leader or his designee withdraws the cloture motion, to proceed immediately to vote on the motion or to vote at a time designated by the Majority Leader or his designee within the next four calendar days of Senate session. Requires only a majority of Senators to decide such a motion to end the filibuster.

Requires the Presiding Officer, if the Majority Leader's cloture motion is agreed to by a majority of Senators, to announce that: (1) the filibuster is ended; (2) the measure pending before the Senate shall be the unfinished business to the exclusion of all other business until disposed of; and (3) further proceedings on the measure shall occur in accordance with the Rule.

States that, if filibuster on a measure is ended other than by agreement of a majority of Senators, further consideration of the measure shall occur as otherwise provided by the Rule. Applies these filibuster procedures if the Senate subsequently votes again against cloture.