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Congresswoman Alma Adams

Representing the 12th District of North Carolina


Charlotte School of Law Resources


I am deeply troubled by the questionable actions of the Charlotte School of Law. I know that the situation surrounding this institution has created academic uncertainty and financial instability for students and job loss here in Charlotte.  Throughout this ordeal, my office has been in regular communication with the school, the Department of Education and the American Bar Association.

The school owes their students, faculty and community timely communication and full disclosure of information. I will continue to monitor this situation and support greater accountability standards for for-profit institutions to safeguard students and taxpayer investments in education.

Please consider the below information, adapted form the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau, when deciding your next steps and do not hesitate to contact my office if you need assistance.  


Congresswoman Alma S. Adams, Ph.D.


What should I consider when shopping for a private student loan:

There are many different private loan options, with different interest rates and costs. Generally, private student loans have higher costs than federal student loans and require a co-signer.

Borrowing beyond your federal loans could mean high levels of debt. Make sure you have explored all other options including applying for additional scholarships, cutting costs, or getting a part-time job before taking out a private loan. If you are still deciding where to go to school, consider all your options, including finding a low-cost school.

However, if you need a private student loan, you should know that there are some unexpected places to look for options. It's important to shop around and compare different loan offers.

  • State Agency Loans:
    • Loans offered by states to residents, or for students attending school in the state;
    • Ask your school's financial aid office for more information about "state sponsored alternative loans";
  • Traditional Bank Loans:
    • These loans come from commercial banks. You may be more familiar with their checking or savings accounts;
    • Talk to your parent or someone you trust about this option because you will likely need a co-signer;
  • School Loans:
    • Some schools have their own loan program for students, which tend to have fixed rates;
    • Ask your school's financial aid office for more information.

For more information from CFPB please visit:



  Federal Loans Private Loans
What You Need to Know Take advantage of your federal loan options before seeking private loans. Federal student loans almost always cost less and are easier to repay. Private loans are generally more costly than federal loans and offer little flexibility if you are having trouble making your payments.
Benefits Many federal student loans are subsidized and have fixed interest rates. Most students are eligible, and repayment terms are flexible. You can borrow larger amounts. If you shop around and can show ability to repay, you may be able to find low interest rates.
Risks The amount of money you can borrow is limited, and a portion of your wages and tax refunds could be taken by the government if you neglect repayment responsibilities.

Your interest rate and monthly payment could change with little warning, and you have fewer options for when and how much you repay.




To register complaints about the school and/or federal student loans please visit:

To register complaints about private student loans and/or federal student loans please visit: