Congressman Jeb Hensarling

Representing the 5th District of Texas



As the son and grandson of farmers, and having grown up working on my family’s farm, I understand the challenges faced by agriculture producers. Throughout my career, I have consistently supported agricultural producers on the issues they care about most....

Constitutional Issues

Learn more about my stance on important constitutional issues like the Second Amendment, the sanctity of life, and marriage....
schoolroom desks and chairs


Our public schools should be able to provide our children with a quality education that allows them to be successful in life. While funding for public education is primary the job of state and local government, support from....
scissors cutting a credit card

Ending Bailouts

Clearly, reforms are needed in our financial markets. The American people are tired of paying for the failures of others, and real regulatory reform means that there should be no more government get out of jail free cards for bad corporate financial bets. Unfortunately, the recently enacted Dodd-Frank bill doesn’t address the root cause of the financial crisis....

Energy Independence

It is vital to our national and economic security that our nation had access to affordable and abundant supplies of energy so that we can power our homes, fuel our cars, and cook our meals. That’s why we must not be reliant on foreign sources of energy....

Financial Services

I serve as the Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee. In my role as chairman, I have been a staunch advocate for promoting consumer choice, competitive markets, and smart regulation in our financial markets....
stethoscope on a clipboard

Health Care

Americans deserve an accessible and affordable health care system that promotes quality care and peace of mind. It should empower patients and support innovation. Sadly, that is not the system we have today.

Holding Washington Accountable

Fear, doubt, uncertainty and pessimism have arisen from the erosion of the rule of law under the Obama Administration. Never before in my lifetime has more unchecked, unbridled discretionary authority been given to relatively unaccountable government agencies....
construction workers smiling

Jobs, Taxes, and the Economy

Having been a small businessmen prior to my election to Congress, I know it’s like to try and build a couple of companies, risk capital, and sign the front of a paycheck. Our economy, after the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression, is still limping along....
soldier in silouhette

Keeping America Safe

Our entire country owes a tremendous debt of gratitude to the brave men and women that serve in our nation’s armed forces. As the son, grandson, and brother of veterans, I understand the sacrifice made by the brave men and women who put themselves in harm’s way....

Reining in Washington Spending

We are on course to be the first generation in America's history to leave the next generation with less freedom and a lower standard of living. Without reform, over the course of the next generation, federal spending is set to grow....


As the son, grandson, and brother of veterans, I deeply appreciate the brave men and women who have sacrificed to make our country and the world a better, safer place to live. We owe all our armed services personnel a debt of gratitude for their service and dedication to our nation....