Summary: S.2057 — 105th Congress (1997-1998)All Information (Except Text)

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Passed Senate amended (06/25/1998)


Division A: Department of Defense Authorizations

Title I: Procurement

Subtitle A: Authorization of Appropriations

Subtitle B: Army Programs

Subtitle C: Navy Programs

Subtitle D: Air Force Programs

Title II: Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation

Subtitle A: Authorization of Appropriations

Subtitle B: Program Requirements, Restrictions, and


Subtitle C: Other Matters

Title III: Operation and Maintenance

Subtitle A: Authorization of Appropriations

Subtitle B: Program Requirements, Restrictions, and


Subtitle C: Environmental Provisions

Subtitle D: Counter-Drug Activities

Subtitle E: Other Matters

Title IV: Military Personnel Authorizations

Subtitle A: Active Forces

Subtitle B: Reserve Forces

Subtitle C: Authorization of Appropriations

Title V: Military Personnel Policy

Subtitle A: Officer Personnel Policy

Subtitle B: Reserve Component Matters

Subtitle C: Other Matters

Title VI: Compensation and Other Personnel Benefits

Subtitle A: Pay and Allowances

Subtitle B: Bonuses and Special and Incentive Pays

Subtitle C: Travel and Transportation Allowances

Subtitle D: Retired Pay, Survivor Benefits, and Related


Subtitle E: Other Matters

Title VII: Health Care

Title VIII: Acquisition Policy, Acquisition Management, and

Related Matters

Title IX: Department of Defense Organization and Management

Title X: General Provisions

Subtitle A: Financial Matters

Subtitle B: Naval Vessels

Subtitle C: Miscellaneous Report Requirements and


Subtitle D: Other Matters

Title XI: Department of Defense Civilian Personnel

Title XII: Joint Warfighting Experimentation

Division B: Military Construction Authorizations

Title XXI(sic): Army

Title XXII: Navy

Title XXIII: Air Force

Title XXIV: Defense Agencies

Title XXV: North Atlantic Treaty Organization Security

Investment Program

Title XXVI: Guard and Reserve Forces Facilities

Title XXVII: Expiration and Extension of Authorizations

Title XXVIII: General Provisions

Subtitle A: Military Construction Program and Military

Family Housing Changes

Subtitle B: Real Property and Facilities Administration

Subtitle C: Land Conveyances

Subtitle D: Other Matters

Subtitle E: Base Closures

Title XXIX: Juniper Butte Range Withdrawal

Division C: Department of Energy National Security

Authorizations and Other Authorizations

Title XXXI(sic): Department of Energy National Security


Subtitle A: National Security Programs Authorizations

Subtitle B: Recurring General Provisions

Subtitle C: Program Authorizations, Restrictions, and


Subtitle D: Other Matters

Subtitle E: Maximum Age for New Department of Energy

Nuclear Materials Couriers

Title XXXII: Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board

Title XXXIII: National Defense Stockpile

Title XXXIV: Naval Petroleum Reserves

Title XXXV: Panama Canal Commission

Title XXXVI: Commercial Activities of People's Liberation


Title XXXVII: Forced or Indentured Labor

Title XXXVIII: Fair Trade in Automotive Parts

Title XXXIX: Radio Free Asia

Strom Thurmond National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1999 - Division A: Department of Defense Authorizations - Title I: Procurement - Subtitle A: Authorization of Appropriations - Authorizes appropriations for FY 1999 for procurement by the armed forces of aircraft, missiles, weapons and tracked combat vehicles, ammunition, and shipbuilding and conversion and for other procurement.

(Sec. 104) Authorizes appropriations for FY 1999 for: (1) defense-wide procurements; (2) reserve procurements; (3) the Defense Inspector General; (4) the chemical demilitarization program; (5) the Defense Health Program; and (6) the defense export loan guarantee program.

Subtitle B: Army Programs - Authorizes the Secretary of the Army, beginning with the FY 1999 program year, to enter into a multiyear contract for the procurement of the Longbow Hellfire missile, with a contract term of five years.

(Sec. 112) Provides required conditions prior to the award of a multiyear procurement contract for the production of the Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles to more than one contractor under the previous national defense authorization Act.

(Sec. 113) Prohibits the obligation of funds authorized for a certain armored tank modernization kit until 30 days after the Secretary of the Army reports to the defense and appropriations committees on armored system modernization.

(Sec. 114) Prohibits the obligation of funds for the procurement of reactive armor tiles until 30 days after the Secretary of Defense (Secretary) submits to the defense and appropriations committees a study of the present and future Army and Marine Corps operational requirements for such tiles.

(Sec. 115) Amends the Department of Defense Authorization Act, 1986 to add certain advisory commission travel cost information to a required report on the chemical demilitarization program.

(Sec. 116) Amends the Armament Retooling and Manufacturing Support Act of 1992 to extend through FY 1999 the authority to carry out the armament retooling and manufacturing support initiative.

(Sec. 117) Directs the program manager for the Assembled Chemical Weapons Assessment to continue to manage the development and testing of technologies for the destruction of lethal chemical munitions that are potential or demonstrated alternatives to incineration. Authorizes such program manager to undertake activities to: (1) ensure that an alternative technology for such destruction can be implemented immediately after the technology has been demonstrated successful and the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology has submitted a report on the demonstration to the Congress; and (2) take certain steps during FY 1998 and 1999 to prepare for the immediate implementation of any such technology. Requires the Under Secretary to: (1) provide for an independent evaluation of the costs and schedules of the Assessment; and (2) determine whether to proceed with pilot-scale testing of such a technology no later than December 30, 1999. Requires a certification from the Under Secretary to the Congress with respect to the new technology. Earmarks funds for such development and testing.

Subtitle C: Navy Programs - Earmarks funds for the advance procurement and construction of components for the CVN-77 nuclear aircraft carrier program.

(Sec. 122) Amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1998 to increase the amount authorized to be excluded from certain cost limitations under the Seawolf submarine program.

(Sec. 123) Authorizes the Secretary of the Navy, beginning with the FY 1999 program year, to enter into a multiyear contract for the procurement of: (1) the Medium Tactical Vehicle Replacement, with a contract term of five years; and (2) AV-8B, E-2C, and T-45 aircraft.

Subtitle D: Air Force Programs - Earmarks funds for certain follow-on options under the joint surveillance target attack radar system. Prohibits the availability of such funds until 30 days after the Secretary reports to the Congress on fund use.

(Sec. 132) Prohibits the obligation of funds for the replacement of engines on aircraft of the Department of Defense (DOD) that are derived from Boeing 707 aircraft until the Secretary has submitted a certain analysis required under the prior defense authorization Act.

(Sec. 133) Prohibits the obligation of any funds available for the F-22 aircraft program for advance procurement for the six Lot II F-22 aircraft until 30 days after the Secretary submits to the defense and appropriations committees a certification of the completion of a specified amount of flight testing for such aircraft. Requires a related flight test certification from the Director of Operational Test and Evaluation.

(Sec. 134) Directs the Secretary to review and report to the defense and appropriations committees on the C-130J aircraft program.

Title II: Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation - Subtitle A: Authorization of Appropriations - Authorizes appropriations for FY 1999 for the armed forces for research, development, test, and evaluation (RDT&E;). Earmarks funds for basic research and applied research projects.

Subtitle B: Program Requirements, Restrictions, and Limitations - Prohibits more than $233 million from being obligated for the Crusader self-propelled artillery system program until 30 days after the Secretary of the Army reports to the defense and appropriations committees on an assessment of such system.

(Sec. 212) Earmarks funds for RDT&E; and acquisition of technologies for the transition from the CVN-77 aircraft carrier program to the CV(X) aircraft carrier program and for enhancements to the latter program.

(Sec. 213) Directs the Secretary to terminate the Dark Star unmanned aerial vehicle program. Earmarks funds formerly set aside for such program for the procurement of three Global Hawk unmanned aerial vehicles. Requires specified prior testing of the latter vehicles.

(Sec. 214) Directs the Secretary to assess and report to the Congress on the technical obstacles and operational shortcomings expected for the Airborne Laser program. Earmarks program funds, with a limitation on such funds until after the report is received.

(Sec. 215) Designates as a national security priority the development of an enhanced Global Positioning System (GPS). Directs the Secretary to develop a GPS in accordance with certain congressionally-mandated priorities.

Expresses the sense of the Congress that future-year defense program funding provide sufficient funds for GPS development, and that the Secretary of Transportation should provide sufficient funding to support additional civil frequencies for the GPS and other GPS civil enhancements. Requires the Secretary to submit a GPS plan to the Congress.

Amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1994 to delay until the end of FY 2005 a limitation on the procurement of systems not GPS-equipped. Earmarks funds for an enhanced GPS.

(Sec. 216) Amends Federal provisions concerning the DOD manufacturing technology program to require the sharing by DOD and non-Federal sources of costs for projects carried out under such program if any of the project results are likely to have an immediate and direct commercial application. Revises related cost-sharing requirements. Requires information concerning project cost-sharing to be included in a required five-year plan for such program.

(Sec. 217) Extends permanently (currently expires on September 30, 2002) the authority for the use by commercial entities of DOD major range and test facility installations. Terminates a related reporting requirement.

(Sec. 218) Amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1994 to extend through FY 2001 the authority of the Director of the Advanced Research Projects Agency to carry out certain prototype projects.

(Sec. 219) Earmarks RDT&E; funds for: (1) a North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) alliance ground surveillance concept definition based on the Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar Technology Insertion Program sensor of the United States; and (2) contributions for the common-funded Civil Budget of NATO.

(Sec. 221) Increases amounts authorized for research and development relating to Persian Gulf illnesses and decreases correspondingly the amount authorized for the Army Commercial Operations and Support Savings program.

(Sec. 222) Earmarks funds for the: (1) DOD-VA Cooperative Research Program; and (2) Low Cost Launch Development Program.

Subtitle C: Other Matters - Urges the United States to seek to foster a climate of cooperation with Russia on matters relating to missile defense, especially in such areas as early warning.

(Sec. 232) Directs the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs to review, and report to the Congress on, research on pharmacological interventions for reversing brain injury.

(Sec. 233) Earmarks RDT&E; funds for research relating to discovering a combat capability that is comparable to that provided by anti-personnel landmines and that complies with the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti- Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction. Requires related studies and reports.

Title III: Operation and Maintenance - Subtitle A: Authorization of Appropriations - Authorizes appropriations for FY 1999 for operation and maintenance (O&M;) for the armed forces and specified activities and agencies of DOD. Authorizes appropriations for FY 1999 for: (1) working capital and revolving funds; and (2) the Armed Forces Retirement Home.

(Sec. 304) Authorizes the transfer of up to $150 million to FY 1999 O&M; accounts from the National Defense Stockpile Transaction Fund.

Subtitle B: Program Requirements, Restrictions, and Limitations - Earmarks funds authorized under this title for increasing training and related operations in support of the Special Operations Command's counterproliferation of weapons of mass destruction and counterterrorism activities.

(Sec. 312) Authorizes the Secretary to conduct a pilot program using existing technology to determine the feasibility of tagging hydrocarbon fuels used by DOD to analyze and identify such fuels and their possible theft and misuse. Earmarks O&M; funds for the pilot program.

(Sec. 313) Authorizes the Secretary of each military department to carry out a pilot program to demonstrate the use of landing fees as a source of funding for the O&M; of airfields of such department. Authorizes the imposition of landing fees at military airfields under the program through FY 2000. Allows fee proceeds to be used for landing field O&M.;

(Sec. 314) Earmarks O&M; funds for contributions for the common-funded NATO Military Budget.

Subtitle C: Environmental Provisions - Authorizes the Secretaries of Defense and the military departments to provide for the transportation into U.S. customs territory of polychlorinated biphenyls generated by or under the control of DOD for purposes of their disposal, treatment, or storage in such customs territory. Outlines transportation and disposal requirements and limitations.

(Sec. 323) Amends the Act to Prevent Pollution from Ships to allow Navy submersible ships to discharge non-plastic garbage that has been compacted and weighted to ensure negative buoyancy.

(Sec. 324) Authorizes the Secretary to pay up to $15,000 from the Department of Defense Base Closure Account 1990 as payment for stipulated civil penalties assessed under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA) against McClellan Air Force Base, California.

(Sec. 325) Authorizes the Secretary to make payments to Canada in each of FY 1999 through 2008 as part of a negotiated settlement for the environmental cleanup of formerly used defense sites there. Provides funding for such payments from amounts authorized for DOD defense-wide O&M.;

(Sec. 326) Directs the President to notify the Congress before entering into negotiations for the ex-gratia settlement of foreign claims against the United States for environmental cleanup of former DOD installations in a foreign country. Requires such fund use to be specifically authorized by law, treaty, or international agreement.

(Sec. 327) Requires activities under the Arctic Military Environmental Cooperation Program to include cooperative activities on environmental matters in the Arctic region with the military departments and agencies of other countries, including the Russian Federation. Earmarks O&M; funds for such Program. Prohibits funding obligation until 45 days after the Secretary submits to the defense and appropriations committees a Program plan.

(Sec. 328) Expresses the sense of the Senate that the Secretary of the Navy should take immediate action to significantly reduce the risk of naval vessel oil spills.

Subtitle D: Counter-Drug Activities - Earmarks specified O&M; funds for certain support of the drug interdiction efforts of the United States Southern Command in the Caribbean Sea and Eastern Pacific Ocean areas.

(Sec. 332) Amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1991 to extend through FY 2004 the program authority for DOD support of certain counter-drug activities. Requires the Secretary, at least 21 days before obligating funds for the modification of a DOD facility for counter-drug purposes, to notify the defense and appropriations committees of such project and its estimated total cost.

(Sec. 333) Prohibits any DOD funds authorized under this Act from being used to expand the Southwest border fence until the Secretary reports to the defense and appropriations committees on the extent to which such fence has reduced the illegal transportation of narcotics and other drugs into the United States.

(Sec. 334) Requires a National Guard member serving on full-time duty relating to drug interdiction and counter-drug activities to perform his or her regularly required drill and exercises training in addition to the training required for such activities. Authorizes units or members of a State National Guard, under specified conditions, to provide assistance to youth and charitable organizations as part of the drug interdiction and counter-drug activities.

(Sec. 335) Expresses the sense of the Congress that the Secretary should: (1) revise the DOD Global Military Force Policy to elevate the priority given to drug interdiction and counter-drug activities; and (2) allocate DOD assets accordingly.

Subtitle E: Other Matters - Directs the Secretary to administer DOD working capital funds during FY 1999 so as to ensure that the total amount of cash balances in such funds on September 30, 1999, exceeds the total amount of such balances on September 30, 1998, by $1.3 billion. Outlines actions to be taken by the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) to achieve such increase. Authorizes the waiver of such requirement to meet a contingency operation or an operation commenced before October 1, 1998, and continuing during FY 1999. Limits: (1) the total amount of advance billings rendered or imposed for DOD working capital funds and the Defense Business Operations Fund in FY 1999; and (2) to $1 billion the total amount of such billings for all DOD working capital funds in a fiscal year. Requires a semiannual report from the Under Secretary to the defense committees on the administration of the balance increase.

(Sec. 342) Requires amounts charged for depreciation of capital assets to be credited to a separate capital asset subaccount established within a working-capital fund. Directs the Secretaries of Defense and the military departments to provide for separate accounting, reporting, and auditing of funds and activities managed through working-capital funds. Allows charges for goods and services provided through such funds to include amounts for depreciation of capital assets. Requires such Secretaries to: (1) establish billing procedures to ensure that balances in working-capital funds do not exceed requirements; and (2) submit to the Congress detailed annual reports of working-capital fund account and subaccount receipts and disbursements, as well as a proposed budget for the next fiscal year. Repeals the authority to manage working-capital accounts and subaccounts through the Defense Business Operations Fund. Revises the authority of a working-capital fund to retain recovered costs of property disposals.

(Sec. 344) Directs the Secretary of each military department to develop and submit to the Congress an implementation schedule for the best commercial inventory practices within such department for the acquisition and distribution of secondary supply items. Directs the Comptroller General (CG) to report to the Congress on the extent to which: (1) each Secretary has complied with such requirement; and (2) best commercial inventory practices are being implemented in the Defense Logistics Agency.

(Sec. 345) Earmarks FY 1999 Navy O&M; funds for the increased use of smart cards (multitechnology automated reader cards) issued throughout the Navy and Marine Corps. Directs the Secretary of the Navy to take certain steps to increase the issuance of such cards throughout such service branches. Limits procurement funds for the Joint Uniformed Services Identification card until such Secretary has made certain certifications with respect to the issuance of smart cards. Requires such Secretary to submit to the defense and appropriations committees a plan for equipping all naval operational units with smart card technology.

(Sec. 346) Expresses the sense of the Senate that the Secretary of Defense should initiate public-private competitions for DOD functions involving not fewer than a number of employees equivalent to 30,000 full-time employees for each of FY 1999 through 2004. Increases to 50 (currently 20) or fewer the number of DOD employees that may be affected in the conversion of a DOD function to contractor performance for which certain congressional notification and reporting requirements may be waived.

(Sec. 347) Adds a competitive source selection process to required conditions for providing financial assistance for the support of additional duties assigned to the Army National Guard.

(Sec. 348) Amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1987 to repeal a prohibition on the joint military-civilian use of the Robert Gray Army Airfield at Fort Hood, Texas.

(Sec. 349) Directs the Secretary to submit to the Congress a plan to address DOD problems with management of inventories of in-transit secondary items. Requires a CG review and report on such plan.

(Sec. 350) Directs the CG to submit to the defense and appropriations committees a report concerning proposed personnel reductions in the Army Materiel Command.

(Sec. 351) Prohibits the Secretary or any other DOD official from conducting a demonstration project or survey of commissary users to determine interest in having such stores sell malt beverages and wine as exchange store merchandise.

Title IV: Military Personnel Authorizations - Subtitle A: Active Forces - Provides the authorized end strengths for active-duty forces as of the end of FY 1999.

(Sec. 402) Increases from six to seven the number of officer positions within the Joint Staff that may be excluded from annual general and flag officer limitations. Extends through FY 2002 the authority for the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) to designate up to 12 general and flag officer joint duty positions for exclusion from general and flag officer limitations.

(Sec. 404) Repeals the requirement that minimum end strengths be sufficient to support two simultaneous major regional contingency operations.

Subtitle B: Reserve Forces - Sets forth the authorized end strengths as of the end of FY 1999 for members of the Selected Reserve and reserve personnel on active duty in support of the reserves.

(Sec. 413) Sets forth the authorized end strengths as of the end of FY 1999 for reserve military technicians (dual status).

(Sec. 414) Excludes certain temporary active-duty general and flag officers from annual general and flag officer limitations.

(Sec. 415) Increases the number of certain reserve officers and enlisted personnel authorized to be on active duty in support of the reserves.

(Sec. 416) Consolidates the end strength authorizations for active-status Naval Reserve flag officers of the Navy Medical Department Staff Corps.

Subtitle C: Authorization of Appropriations - Authorizes appropriations for FY 1999 for military personnel.

Title V: Military Personnel Policy - Subtitle A: Officer Personnel Policy - Repeals a requirement that the Secretary of the military department concerned convene boards to review the cases of officers determined to have failed to establish that they be retained on active duty.

(Sec. 502) Provides a permanent exception to the requirement for retirement for years of service for certain Navy and Marine Corps officers designated for limited duty assignments.

(Sec. 503) Denies entitlement to involuntary separation pay for an officer discharged for failure to be selected for promotion when the officer requested not to be so selected. Requires the appropriate selection board to submit to the Secretary concerned the name of any officer making such request.

(Sec. 504) Increases from three to four years the authorized term of appointment for the Chief of the Air Force Nurse Corps when the Secretary of the Air Force determines that the longer term is justified.

(Sec. 505) Authorizes Navy ROTC scholarship recipients in a State which has already filled its quotas of such scholarships in its State colleges and universities to attend any college in such State that participates in the ROTC program.

Subtitle B: Reserve Component Matters - Provides for the crediting for retirement purposes of service in the higher position for a reserve officer who, after being found qualified for Federal recognition in a higher grade by an appropriate personnel board, serves in a position for which that grade is the minimum authorized grade.

(Sec. 512) Allows a reserve officer who, after successfully serving on active duty in a grade above colonel or captain (Navy) for at least six months, is involuntarily transferred from active status to be credited with satisfactory service in such position for retirement purposes.

(Sec. 513) Provides eligibility for consideration for promotion for certain Army and Air Force reserve brigadier generals.

(Sec. 514) Provides for the composition of selective early retirement boards for Naval Reserve rear admirals and Marine Corps Reserve major generals.

(Sec. 515) Authorizes the President to order members of the Selected Reserve and the Individual Ready Reserve mobilization category into active duty to respond to an emergency involving the use or threatened use of a weapon of mass destruction. Authorizes the use of active-duty members of the National Guard for such purpose.

Subtitle C: Other Matters - Extends through FY 2003 certain force reduction transition management and benefits authorities, including early retirement and voluntary separation incentive programs and certain time-in-grade requirements.

(Sec. 523) Continues eligibility for the voluntary separation incentive program after the involuntary loss of membership in the Ready or Standby Reserve.

(Sec. 524) Revises current limitations on the authority of the Secretaries concerned to set rates and waive requirements for reimbursement of expenses incurred for foreign student instruction at U.S. military service academies.

(Sec. 525) Repeals a current limitation on the civilian employment of enlisted personnel when such employment interferes with the customary or regular employment of local civilians.

(Sec. 527) Prohibits any DOD official from implementing any change of policy regarding the separation or integration of military personnel on the basis of gender that is within the responsibilities of the Commission on Military Training and Gender-Related Issues before the termination of such Commission.

(Sec. 528) Provides transitional compensation authority for abused dependent children of military personnel when such children reside with the spouse or former spouse of a member convicted of dependent abuse.

(Sec. 529) Directs the Secretary to establish a five-year pilot program to assess whether the armed forces could better meet recruiting requirements by treating GED and home school diploma recipients as having graduated from high school for purposes of enlistment eligibility. Limits to 1,250 of each type of recipients annually the number of individuals authorized to be so considered.

(Sec. 530) Waives time limitations for the award to specified individuals of the Distinguished Service Cross, the Distinguished Service Medal, or the Distinguished Flying Cross for certain service during World War II, Vietnam, or Korea.

(Sec. 531) Prohibits a member of the armed forces from entering into a Federal, State, or local correctional facility to present a military decoration to a person who has been convicted of a serious violent felony.

(Sec. 532) Authorizes the President to advance Benjamin O. Davis, Junior, to the grade of general on the retired list of the Air Force. Prohibits the accrual of additional benefits for such promotion.

Title VI: Compensation and Other Personnel Benefits - Subtitle A: Pay and Allowances - Waives any FY 1999 military pay increases tied to increases in the General Schedule of Compensation for Government employees. Increases the rates of basic pay by 3.6 percent, effective January 1, 1999. Reduces by $425 million the total amount authorized to be appropriated under title II.

(Sec. 602) Increases to $600 the monthly pay for cadets and midshipmen at the service academies.

(Sec. 603) Allows a member entitled to the transportation of baggage and household effects due to a change of station to, as an alternative, reimbursement or payment of a monetary allowance in advance of a move arranged by such member.

(Sec. 604) Authorizes the Superintendent of a service academy to order a cadet or midshipman suspended from duty at such academy to be placed on involuntary leave without pay.

Subtitle B: Bonuses and Special and Incentive Pays - Extends through December 31, 1999, specified authorities currently scheduled to expire at the end of FY 1999 with respect to certain special pay and bonus programs within the regular and reserve armed forces.

(Sec. 615) Repeals a provision which allows only ten percent of selective reenlistment bonuses paid in a fiscal year to exceed $20,000.

(Sec. 616) Increases to $6,000 the maximum authorized Army enlistment bonus.

(Sec. 617) Includes within the defense educational loan repayment program a person enrolled in a program of education leading to professional qualifications. Increases the educational loan amounts authorized to be repaid under such program to a maximum of $20,000 per year and $50,000 total per individual.

(Sec. 618) Increases to $950 the monthly amount of basic educational assistance to military personnel possessing critically short skills or specialties.

(Sec. 619) Provides that the entitlement of an individual to basic educational assistance benefits shall not be affected by the receipt of an enlistment bonus.

(Sec. 620) Repeals a provision which prohibits individuals receiving career sea pay from also receiving hazardous duty pay.

(Sec. 620A) Increases the hazardous duty pay for aerial flight crewmembers in pay grades E-4 to E-9.

(Sec. 620B) Authorizes the payment of diving duty special pay for periods during which a member meets diving proficiency requirements during an assignment that includes diving duty other than as a primary duty.

(Sec. 620C) Directs the Secretary to establish and provide for members qualified in critically short military occupational specialties a series of new incentives for increasing the rates at which such members are retained for service in such specialties. Expresses the sense of the Congress specifying proposed incentives. Requires implementation reports from the Secretary to the defense and appropriations committees.

Subtitle C: Travel and Transportation Allowances - Authorizes the Secretary concerned to pay for or provide transportation to a member as part of a program of rest and recuperation in connection with contingency operations or unusual conditions at a duty station.

(Sec. 622) Authorizes payment for the temporary storage of baggage of military dependent students not taken on an annual trip to an overseas duty station of such student's sponsor.

(Sec. 623) Authorizes commercial travel under Federal supply schedules for the travel of a member of the reserves to or from the location of inactive duty training.

Subtitle D: Retired Pay, Survivor Benefits, and Related Matters - Considers, beginning on October 1, 2003, coverage under the Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) to be paid in full when a member's pay has been reduced for such coverage for 30 years or when the member has attained 70 years of age.

(Sec. 632) Provides an effective date for the court-ordered election of a spouse's or former spouse's coverage under the SBP.

(Sec. 633) Provides for the recovery, care, and disposition of remains of medically retired members who die during hospitalization that began while such members were on active duty.

(Sec. 634) Authorizes eligible retired or former members to elect to participate in the SBP during its open enrollment period and to participate in the Supplemental Survivor Benefit Plan. Includes as an eligible member an individual who is not a current SBP participant and who is entitled to retired pay or would be entitled to such pay except for being under 60 years of age. Provides SBP status for individuals making such elections, and outlines election requirements. Defines the open enrollment period as the one-year period beginning on March 1, 1999. Voids such election if the person dies within two years after making such election. Requires premiums to be charged to persons making such election.

(Sec. 635) Amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1997 to authorize the payment of dependency and indemnity compensation to the surviving parents or siblings of decedents who were captured and interned during the Vietnam conflict and were unmarried and childless at their time of death.

(Sec. 637) Directs the Secretary concerned to present a U.S. flag to a member of any Army component upon his or her release from active duty for retirement. Allows such presentations only to the extent that funds are appropriated in advance.

(Sec. 638) Directs the Secretary to take necessary action to eliminate the backlog of unpaid Army military retired pay and report to the Congress. Earmarks funds for such activities.

Subtitle E: Other Matters - Excludes the Panama Canal from the definition of a U.S. territory or possession for purposes of military pay and allowance provisions.

(Sec. 642) Provides Federal employees' compensation coverage for the period during which student members attend training or a practice cruise.

(Sec. 643) Amends the Defense Dependents' Education Act of 1978 to authorize the Secretary, or the Secretary of Transportation with respect to the Coast Guard when not operating under the Navy, to provide financial assistance to sponsors of dependents in overseas areas where defense dependent schools are not reasonably available.

(Sec. 644) Amends the Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act of 1940 to prohibit a person who is absent from a State in compliance with military orders from being deemed to have lost a residence in a State, acquired a residence in another State, or become a resident of another State for purposes of voting for an office of the United States or a State. Amends the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens' Absentee Voting Act to: (1) permit absent military voters to vote by absentee ballots; and (2) accept from such individuals an otherwise valid voter registration application if received at least 30 days before an election.

Title VII: Health Care - Amends the Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS) to provide for an inflation-indexed premium under the defense dependents' dental program.

(Sec. 702) Extends through June 30, 1999, the authority for the use of personal services contracts for the provision of health care at military entrance processing stations and at other locations which are outside of military medical treatment facility areas.

(Sec. 703) Provides for the automatic enrollment under TRICARE Prime (a DOD managed health care program) for each dependent of a member in grade E4 or below who is entitled to CHAMPUS medical and dental care and resides in the catchment area of a facility offering TRICARE Prime. Provides for automatic renewal of enrollments and premium payment options under such coverage. Requires such coverage to take effect no later than January 1, 1999.

(Sec. 704) Provides limited continued CHAMPUS coverage, with regard to health care provided between October 1, 1998, and July 1, 1999, for persons unaware of the loss of such coverage due to their recent eligibility for Medicare.

(Sec. 705) Directs the Secretary to ensure that the advanced systems developed for recording military personnel data and information include the capability to record organ and tissue donation elections. Outlines responsibilities of the military department secretaries and the Surgeon General with respect to the collection of such information.

(Sec. 706) Commends and encourages continuation of the cooperative efforts of DOD and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) in the delivery of medical care.

Directs the DOD and VA Secretaries to jointly conduct: (1) a survey of their respective medical care beneficiary populations to identify the expectations of, requirements for, and behavior patterns of such beneficiaries with respect to medical care; and (2) a review of impediments to cooperation in the delivery of medical care.

Requires the Secretary of Defense to review and report semiannually to the congressional defense and veterans' affairs committees (committees) on the TRICARE program to identify opportunities for increased program participation by the VA.

Directs the Federal Pharmaceutical Steering Committee to: (1) undertake a comprehensive examination of existing pharmaceutical benefits and programs for beneficiaries of Federal medical care programs; (2) review the existing methods for contracting for and distributing medical supplies and services; and (3) report examination results to the committees.

Directs the Secretaries to submit to the committees a report on the status of DOD and VA efforts to standardize physical examinations administered to determine or rate disabilities.

Specifies deadlines for required reports.

(Sec. 707) Directs the Secretary to enter into an agreement with the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) to conduct three demonstration projects to assess the feasibility and advisability of providing health care under CHAMPUS to current and former military personnel and their dependents or dependents of military personnel who died while on active duty for more than 30 days, and who: (1) are 65 years old or older; (2) are entitled to hospital insurance benefits under Part A of title XVIII (Medicare) of the Social Security Act; (3) are enrolled in the Medicare supplemental medical insurance program; and (4) reside in an area of a demonstration project. Requires the Secretary under one such project to permit eligible individuals to enroll in the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) program. Prohibits eligible individuals from being required to satisfy any FEHB eligibility criteria as a condition of enrollment. Provides for participation management under the FEHB enrollment program. Requires the Secretary, under another project, to permit eligible individuals to enroll in the TRICARE program, with an enrollment fee. Requires the Secretary, under the third project, to permit eligible individuals to participate in the mail order pharmacy benefit under the TRICARE program, with appropriate premiums, deductibles, or copayments. Requires an independent evaluation of each project. Directs the CG to review such evaluations and report review results to the defense committees. Requires the Secretary to commence the FEHB project no later than July 1, 1999. Requires the FEHB project to be carried out in four separate areas, evaluated annually, and reviewed by the CG. Requires reports on such project from the Secretary and the CG to the defense committees.

(Sec. 708) Prohibits any physician from providing military health care unless his or her current medical license is an unrestricted license not subject to limitations on the scope of practice ordinarily granted to other physicians for a similar specialty by the granting jurisdiction. Directs the Secretary to establish a mechanism for ensuring that each physician that provides military health care satisfies all applicable continuing medical education requirements.

(Sec. 709) Directs the Secretary to enter into an agreement with the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) or other appropriate organization under which the NAS assesses the need for and feasibility of establishing an independent entity to: (1) evaluate and monitor interagency coordination on issues relating to post-deployment health concerns of military personnel; (2) evaluate the health care provided to military personnel both before and after such deployment; (3) provide for the rapid identification of any trends in diseases or injuries among such members as a result of such operations; (4) provide and direct the ongoing training of DOD health care personnel in the evaluation and treatment of such post-deployment conditions; and (5) make recommendations to DOD and VA regarding improvements in the provision of such care. Requires an NAS report on assessment results.

(Sec. 710) Earmarks funds for research and surveillance activities relating to Lyme disease and other tick-borne diseases.

(Sec. 711) Directs the Secretary to revise the TRICARE policy manual to state that rehabilitative services are available to a patient for a head injury when the treating physician certifies that such services would be beneficial for the patient and that there is potential for the patient to recover from the injury. Directs the Secretary to review the administration of the TRICARE Prime health plans to ensure that all covered health care services, including specialty services, are available and accessible in a timely manner to all persons covered by the plan.

(Sec. 712) Provides medical, dental, and mental health services for abused dependents of military personnel during the period that such dependents are in receipt of monthly transitional compensation.

(Sec. 713) Prohibits an investigational new or unapproved drug from being administered to a member of the armed forces unless: (1) the member provides prior consent; or (2) the Secretary obtains a waiver of such requirement and a written statement from the President concurring in such waiver. Allows the Secretary to seek such a waiver when he determines that obtaining consent is not feasible or is contrary to the best interests of the members involved or national security. Requires the Secretary to notify the defense and appropriations committees of each waiver granted.

Title VIII: Acquisition Policy, Acquisition Management, and Related Matters - Authorizes the Secretary to procure articles containing para-aramid fibers and yarns manufactured in any foreign country which: (1) is a party to a defense memorandum of understanding; or (2) permits U.S. firms that manufacture such fibers and yarns to compete with foreign firms in that country.

(Sec. 802) Authorizes the head of an agency to enter into a contract for travel-related services that provides for the contractor to furnish services for both official and non-official travel. Makes such provision inapplicable to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the Coast Guard when it is not operating as a service under the Navy.

(Sec. 803) Prohibits the head of a defense agency from entering into a contract for a price exceeding fair market cost in the fiscal year following a fiscal year in which DOD attains its contracting goal for participation by small disadvantaged businesses and certain minority institutions.

(Sec. 804) Repeals a Federal provision requiring the Secretary to allocate available technical assistance funds equally among Defense Contract Administration Services regions.

(Sec. 805) Defense Commercial Pricing Management Improvement Act of 1998 - Directs the Federal Acquisition Regulation to be revised to clarify the procedures and methods used to determine the reasonableness of prices of items which are exempt from DOD requirements for the submission of certified cost or pricing data. Directs the Secretary to develop and implement procedures: (1) to ensure that a single item manager or contracting officer is responsible for negotiating and entering into all contracts for the procurement of such items from a single contractor; and (2) that provide for the collection and analysis of information on price trends for categories of such items. Requires a defense agency head or military department Secretary to address any unreasonable escalation in prices paid for such items. Requires reports concerning such procedures from the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology (Under Secretary) to the defense and appropriations committees.

(Sec. 806) Directs the Secretary to revise certain procurement regulations to cover all purchases of goods and services by DOD under contracts entered into or administered by another Federal agency.

(Sec. 807) Requires the Under Secretary to prescribe policies and requirements for educational programs of the defense acquisition university structure.

(Sec. 808) Repeals the requirement that the Director of Acquisition Education, Training, and Career Development be located within the Office of the Under Secretary.

(Sec. 809) Continues eligibility for membership in the defense acquisition corps for persons serving in a position below GS-13 due to a reduction in force, the closure or realignment of a military installation, or any reason other than for cause.

(Sec. 810) Authorizes the Secretary to designate ten acquisition programs of the military departments as pilot programs on program manager responsibility for product support.

(Sec. 812) Directs the Secretary to submit to the defense committees a plan for facilitating the rapid transition into DOD acquisition programs of successful first and second phase activities under the Small Business Innovative Research Program under the Small Business Act.

(Sec. 813) Revises the definition of "senior executive" for purposes of a DOD limitation on the allowability of compensation for certain contractor personnel.

(Sec. 814) Requires separate determinations of waivers of certified cost or pricing data requirements between a DOD prime contract and its subcontracts unless the head of the agency involved determines that such requirements should also be waived for the subcontracts and justifies in writing the reasons for such determination.

(Sec. 815) Authorizes the Secretary of the Navy, during the five-year period beginning on October 1, 1998, to enter into a barter agreement to exchange trucks and other tactical vehicles for the repair and remanufacture of Marine Corps ribbon bridges.

(Sec. 817) Requires the Secretary to report to the Congress recommending alternative means through which a refiner that qualifies as a small disadvantaged business and that delivers fuel by barge to Defense Energy Supply Point-Anchorage can fulfill its contractual obligation, maintain its status as such a business, and receive the small disadvantaged business premium for the contract fuel when ice conditions in Cook Inlet threaten physical delivery of such fuel.

Title IX: Department of Defense Organization and Management - Reduces from ten to nine the number of Assistant Secretary of Defense positions. Renames the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence as the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Space and Information Superiority, with specified duties.

(Sec. 903) Authorizes the Secretary to include within the National Defense University any educational institution that the Secretary considers appropriate and so designates.

(Sec. 904) Provides for specified percentage reductions in the number of Federal employees and military personnel on the headquarters staffs of various DOD organizations. Allows for the waiver of the prohibition on the management of personnel by end strengths in order to achieve such reductions. Requires the Secretary to submit to the defense and appropriations committees a plan to implement such reductions.

(Sec. 905) Directs the Secretary to conduct in each year in which a President is inaugurated a comprehensive examination of the defense strategy, force structure, force modernization plans, infrastructure, budget plan, and related matters with a view toward determining and expressing the U.S. defense strategy, establishing a revised defense plan for the ensuing ten years, and another for the ensuing 20 years. Directs the Secretary, immediately preceding an inaugural year, to establish a nonpartisan, independent panel to be known as the National Defense Panel to: (1) conduct a comprehensive assessment of the above strategies, structures, and plans; and (2) recommend a ten- and 20-year defense strategy after such assessment.

(Sec. 906) Directs the Secretary to analyze the structures and processes of DOD for the management of its laboratories and test and evaluation centers and to develop a plan for improving such management. Directs the Secretary to develop and submit to the defense and appropriations committees a plan and schedule for implementing a cost-based management information system for such laboratories and test centers.

(Sec. 907) Directs the Secretary of each military department to administer all of its Fisher houses as nonappropriated fund instrumentalities. Provides, with respect to such instrumentality, for: (1) a system of governance; (2) the establishment of a central fund as a funding source; and (3) the acceptance of contributions and the imposition of fees for use of such houses. Requires an annual report from each Secretary on Fisher house operations. Provides transitional funding.

(Sec. 908) Redesignates the Director of Defense Research and Engineering as the Director of Defense Technology and Counterproliferation, with appropriate duties. Abolishes the position of Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Nuclear and Chemical and Biological Defense Programs.

(Sec. 909) Provides funding for the Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies.

(Sec. 910) Directs the Secretary to establish a task force to evaluate and identify mechanisms for improving DOD aviation accident investigation procedures. Requires an interim and final report from the task force to the Congress. Directs the Secretary to prescribe regulations that provide for the release to the family members of personnel involved in military aviation accidents, and to the public, of interim safety investigation reports.

Title X: General Provisions - Subtitle A: Financial Matters - Authorizes the Secretary, in the national interest, to transfer amounts of authorizations made available to DOD under this Division for FY 1999 between any such authorizations for that fiscal year, with a total transfer limit of $2 billion. Requires congressional notification of any such transfers.

(Sec. 1002) Authorizes appropriations for DOD for FY 1999 for incremental costs of military operations in and around Bosnia and Herzegovina. Authorizes the transfer of O&M; funds for such purpose.

(Sec. 1003) Adjusts the amounts authorized to DOD for FY 1998 by the amount by which appropriations pursuant to such authorization were increased or decreased in the 1998 Supplemental Appropriations and Rescissions Act.

(Sec. 1004) Makes funds authorized under titles II and III available for Partnership for Peace information management systems.

(Sec. 1005) Reduces by $421.9 million the total amount authorized to be appropriated under this Division to reflect savings from revised economic assumptions. Provides for the distribution of such reduction among specified accounts. Increases the authorization of appropriations for: (1) O&M;, Army National Guard; and (2) Other Defense Programs, Department of Energy.

(Sec. 1006) Authorizes contributions for FY 1999 for the common-funded budgets of NATO out of funds available to DOD for such purpose.

Subtitle B: Naval Vessels - Requires: (1) the U.S.S. Iowa to be listed and maintained on the Naval Vessel Register; and (2) the U.S.S. New Jersey to be stricken from such Register.

(Sec. 1012) Authorizes the Secretary of the Navy to enter into one or more long-term charters for three specified vessels to support the rescue, escort, and towing of submarines. Provides funding.

(Sec. 1013) Authorizes the Secretary of the Navy to transfer specified vessels to specified foreign countries on a grant basis under provisions of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, on a sale or lease basis under provisions of the Arms Export Control Act, or on a combined sale-lease basis under the latter Act. Requires authority to effectuate such transfers, together with necessary appropriations, to be provided in advance in an appropriations Act. Requires congressional notification of any such transfer. Provides that transfers made on a grant basis shall not be counted against a limitation on the aggregate value of excess transferred defense articles under the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961. Requires as a condition of such transfers that any vessel repair or refurbishment needed prior to such transfers be performed at a U.S. shipyard, including a Navy shipyard. Terminates the transfer authority two years after the enactment of this Act.

(Sec. 1014) Expresses the sense of the Congress that the next unnamed LPD-17 class vessel should be named the U.S.S. Clifton B. Cates in honor of the most decorated Marine Corps officer of World War I.

(Sec. 1015) Authorizes the Secretary of Transportation to transfer all U.S. rights and interest to the vessel ex-U.S.S. Lorain County to the Ohio War Memorial, Inc., for use as a memorial to Ohio veterans.

(Sec. 1016) Expresses the sense of the Congress that the U.S.S. Iowa should be homeported at the Port of San Francisco, California.

(Sec. 1017) Directs the Secretary of the Navy to carry out within the United States a vessel scrapping pilot program during FY 1999 and 2000. Requires an interim and final report from such Secretary to the defense and appropriations committees.

Subtitle C: Miscellaneous Report Requirements and Repeals - Repeals various reports and reporting requirements under Federal armed forces provisions and the National Defense Authorization Act, Fiscal Year 1989.

(Sec. 1022) Requires the CG to submit to the Congress an analysis of a biennial financial management improvement plan currently required to be submitted by the Secretary.

(Sec. 1023) Directs the Secretary to carry out a study of the feasibility and advisability of selecting on a competitive basis the source or sources for performing DOD finance and accounting services from among private sector sources, the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS), the military departments, and other Federal agencies. Requires the Secretary to perform market research in connection with the study.

(Sec. 1024) Prohibits any DFAS operating location from being closed within six months after the Secretary submits to the defense committees a strategic plan for improving the financial management operations at such location.

(Sec. 1025) Requires the Secretary to report to the defense committees on the inventory and control of DOD military equipment as of the end of FY 1998, addressing each military department separately. Directs the Inspector General to review the report and submit comments to such committees.

(Sec. 1026) Directs the Secretary and the Director of Central Intelligence to jointly submit to the defense committees a report on the plans of DOD and the intelligence community for ensuring the continuity of performance of essential operations that are at risk of failure due to computer systems and other information and support systems that are not year 2000 compliant. Authorizes the Secretary to enter into a cooperative arrangement with a foreign government under which the United States assists such government in identifying and correcting any problems in communications, strategic, or other systems of such government that make their computer systems not 2000 year compliant.

(Sec. 1027) Directs the Secretary of the Navy to report to the defense committees on battleship readiness for meeting military requirements for naval surface fire support.

(Sec. 1028) Directs the Secretary to report to the Congress on the roles of the Office of the Secretary of Defense and the Joint Staff in the investigation of DOD aviation accidents.

(Sec. 1029) Directs the Secretary to develop and submit to the Congress a plan for guiding and expanding distance learning initiatives within DOD.

(Sec. 1030) Directs the Secretary to report to the defense and appropriations committees on U.S. military involvement in major contingency operations and major ongoing operations since the end of the Persian Gulf War, including involvement in the Stabilization Force in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Operations Southern Watch and Northern Watch.

(Sec. 1031) Directs the President to submit to the Congress a report on operation objectives with any request for appropriations for costs associated with a military contingency operation involving the deployment of more than 500 military personnel.

(Sec. 1032) Directs the Secretary to submit to the defense and appropriations committees reports on the development of the European Security and Defense Identity within the NATO alliance that would enable the Western European Union to assume the political control and strategic direction of NATO assets and capabilities made available by the alliance.

(Sec. 1033) Directs the Secretary of the Air Force to report to the defense and appropriations committees on means of reducing significantly the infrastructure costs at Brooks Air Force Base, Texas, while also maintaining or improving the support for DOD missions and personnel provided through such base.

(Sec. 1034) Directs the CG to annually review the F-A 18E-F fighter aircraft and submit review results to the Congress.

(Sec. 1035) Directs the Chief of the National Guard Bureau to review, and report to the defense and appropriations committees on, the process used for allocating and distributing resources among the States for the National Guard.

(Sec. 1036) Directs the Secretary to report to the defense and appropriations committees on the need for and feasibility of programs to further U.S. nonproliferation objectives regarding former Soviet experts in ballistic missiles or weapons of mass destruction.

Subtitle D: Other Matters - Authorizes the Secretary to provide a foreign country or any of its instrumentalities with assistance for destroying, removing, or obtaining from such country: (1) weapons of mass destruction; or (2) materials, equipment, or technology for the delivery or development of such weapons. Requires a certification from the Secretary to the defense and appropriations committees at least 15 days in advance that such materials, equipment, or technology meet specified requirements. Waives the certification requirement when compliance would compromise U.S. national security objectives. Requires annual reports concerning such activities.

(Sec. 1042) Amends the Weapons of Mass Destruction Control Act of 1992 to extend through FY 1999 certain counterproliferation authorities for support of the United Nations Special Commission on Iraq.

(Sec. 1043) Amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1998 to extend through FY 1999 a limitation concerning the retirement or dismantlement of strategic nuclear delivery systems.

(Sec. 1044) Requires a report from the Secretary to the defense committees on the feasibility of initiating discussions concerning the possibility of direct-line communications between the commanders in chief of the U.S. Strategic and Space Commands and the Russian Strategic Rocket Forces.

(Sec. 1045) Directs the Secretary to review and report to the defense committees on DOD policies and doctrines on chemical warfare defense. Requires the Secretary to modify such policies and doctrines in order to provide adequate protection of military personnel from low-level exposure to a chemical warfare agent. Directs the Secretary to develop and carry out a plan to establish a research program for determining the effects of chronic and low-dose exposures to such agents.

(Sec. 1046) Provides for the accounting treatment of the advanced payment of military personnel.

(Sec. 1047) Defines a financial institution, for purposes of the reimbursement of military and civilian DOD personnel for Federal errors in direct deposits of pay, as a bank, savings and loan association, or a credit union chartered by the U.S. Government or a State.

(Sec. 1048) Directs the Secretary to conduct a pilot program on alternative notice procedures concerning the withholding or garnishment of pay of military personnel for the payment of child support or alimony under provisions of the Social Security Act.

(Sec. 1049) Provides a limitation on the cost of services provided to the Defense Commissary Agency (DCA) to provide for the efficient management and operation of the commissary system.

(Sec. 1050) Authorizes the Secretary to impose a charge for the collection of dishonored checks presented at commissary stores.

(Sec. 1051) Authorizes the Secretary to prescribe in regulations DCA authority to meet its telecommunications requirements by obtaining services and related items under the FTS-2001 contract through a frame relay system procured for the DCA.

(Sec. 1052) Authorizes service academy superintendents to accept a research grant that is awarded on a competitive basis for a research project carried out by a professor or instructor at such academy for a scientific, literary, or educational purpose.

(Sec. 1053) Empowers inspectors general of the military departments with responsibilities concerning military personnel whistleblower protections. (Currently, such responsibilities exist solely under the DOD Inspector General.) Provides simplified whistleblower reporting and notice requirements. Repeals a requirement for a post-investigation interview.

(Sec. 1054) Provides for the crediting of amounts recovered from claims against third parties for loss or damage to personal property of military personnel shipped or stored at Government expense.

(Sec. 1055) Authorizes the Secretary to permit a dependent of a member of the armed forces to enroll in an elementary or secondary education program on a military installation within the United States while the member is assigned away from such jurisdiction on a remote or unaccompanied assignment under permanent change of station orders. Allows an enrollment to be extended for more than five years if the dependent is still eligible, space is available, and adequate arrangements are made for reimbursement of the Secretary for the costs of the educational services provided. Allows the dependent of a U.S. Customs employee who resides in Puerto Rico but not on a military installation to enroll in an educational program provided by the Secretary in Puerto Rico.

(Sec. 1056) Authorizes the Secretary concerned to charge a fee for providing historical information to the public from the United States Army or Air Force Military History Institutes and the United States Naval or Marine Corps Historical Centers.

(Sec. 1057) Requires the inspector general of an armed force to inspect the Armed Forces Retirement Home at least every three years. (Currently, the DOD Inspector General conducts such inspections at least every six years.) Requires the duty of such inspection to alternate among such inspectors general, and requires each inspection to be followed by a report to the Retirement Home Board, the Secretary, and the Congress.

(Sec. 1058) Authorizes the Secretary of the Air Force to convey to the Collings Foundation in Stow, Massachusetts, all U.S. rights and interest to one surplus F-4 Phantom II aircraft. Requires the Foundation to alter such aircraft so that it no longer has any combat capability.

(Sec. 1059) Amends the Merchant Marine Act of 1936 to state that a presidential signature shall constitute approval of vessel war risk insurance requested by the Secretary.

(Sec. 1060) Requests the President to issue a proclamation designating March 1, 1999, as "United States Navy Asiatic Fleet Memorial Day."

(Sec. 1061) Revises provisions of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1998 to: (1) redesignate the Korean Conflict as the Korean War, for purposes of a program commemorating such War; and (2) provide a limitation on expenditures under the program.

(Sec. 1062) Directs the Secretary to report to the defense committees concerning the costs to DOD associated with frequency spectrum allocations. Amends the National Telecommunications and Information Administration Organization Act to require any person on whose behalf a Federal entity incurs costs from the relocation of Federal frequencies to compensate the Federal entity in advance for such costs. Requires the National Telecommunications and Information Administration and the Federal Communications Commission to develop procedures for the implementation of this section which shall include a process for resolving differences between the Government and commercial licensees regarding estimates of frequency relocation or modification costs. Requires the head of each Federal department or agency to include in his or her annual budget submission a report on costs to be incurred as a result of anticipated frequency relocations.

(Sec. 1064) Extends through FY 1999 the authorization of appropriations under the Defense Production Act of 1950.

(Sec. 1065) Expresses the sense of the Congress that: (1) the President should include in the annual budget sufficient amounts to pay for any proposed continuation of U.S. participatory forces in NATO operations in Bosnia and Herzegovina; and (2) such amounts should not be obtained from other DOD accounts, but instead should be an overall DOD budget increase.

(Sec. 1066) Expresses the sense of the Congress that U.S. military forces should not serve as civil police in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Requires a report from the President to the Congress on the status of NATO paramilitary forces in such areas.

(Sec. 1067) Commends the Secretary on progress made by DOD science and technology laboratories and test and evaluation centers toward superior quality and work. Encourages the continued progress of such labs and centers in developing cooperative relationships with universities and private sector facilities for the performance of research and development functions. Authorizes the Secretary to carry out a three-year pilot program to demonstrate improved cooperative relationships for the performance of such functions. Requires participation consideration to be given to labs and centers where innovative management techniques have been demonstrated.

(Sec. 1068) Recognizes and honors former South Vietnamese commandos for their service in connection with U.S. armed forces during the Vietnam conflict.

(Sec. 1069) Expresses the sense of the Senate that the Secretaries of Defense and Energy should report to the Congress a request for funds for FY 2000 for activities relating to the declassification of information.

(Sec. 1070) Expresses the sense of the Senate that the President should request the Russian Federation to expedite reduction of its tactical nuclear arsenal. Requires a report from the Secretary to the Congress on the number and implications of such weapons.

(Sec. 1071) Condemns the decisions by India and Pakistan to conduct nuclear tests in May 1998. Supports the President's decision to impose sanctions as a result of such tests. Calls upon members of the international community to impose similar sanctions. Urges India and Pakistan to take immediate steps to reduce tension between the countries. Calls upon the President to seek diplomatic solutions to such tensions, including resolution of the 50-year conflict over the disputed territory in Kashmir. Requests the United States to review its bilateral relationship with India and Pakistan.

(Sec. 1072) Expresses the sense of the Congress that: (1) U.S. ground combat forces should not remain indefinitely in Bosnia and Herzegovina; (2) the President should work with NATO allies and other nations to withdraw such forces within a reasonable period; (3) a NATO-led force without U.S. ground combat forces might be suitable as a follow-on force; (4) a Western European- or NATO-led force is an appropriate stabilizing force for such areas; and (5) the President should consult closely with congressional leadership toward achieving peace and eliminating U.S. ground combat forces there. Requires related reports, including plans on phased U.S. troop reduction and the status of paramilitary forces in such areas. Requires the President to include in each request for funding for such troops a report on the mission of such forces.

(Sec. 1073) Establishes the Commission for Assessment of the Reliability, Safety, and Security of the United States Nuclear Deterrent to assess and make annual certifications with respect to such reliability, safety, and security. Terminates the Commission three years after appointment of its chairman.

(Sec. 1074) Amends the Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 1996 to authorize the waiver of a moratorium against U.S. military use of antipersonnel landmines upon a presidential determination of the national security interest of such waiver. Requires the President to notify the Speaker of the House and the President pro tempore on the use of such waiver.

(Sec. 1075) Amends the Armed Forces Retirement Home Act of 1991 to require the Director and Deputy Director of the Naval Home to be appointed by the Secretary from certain persons recommended by the Secretaries of the military departments.

(Sec. 1076) Expresses the sense of the Congress that for each of FY 2000 through 2008 it should be an objective of the Secretary to increase the budget for the Defense Science and Technology Program by at least two percent over the previous year, after inflation. Outlines key objectives for the Program, including the sustaining of appropriate Program relationships with university research initiatives and commercial research and technology. Directs the Secretary to attempt to leverage commercial research, technology, products, and processes for the benefit of DOD. Requires funds available for Program projects and programs to be used only for DOD's benefit. Authorizes the Secretary to allocate DOD basic and applied research funds to support any individual project or program under such Program.

(Sec. 1077) Directs the Secretary to: (1) assign demilitarization codes to appropriate DOD excess personal property; and (2) demilitarize such property. Requires reports in 1999 and 2000 on such assignment and demilitarization. Amends the Federal criminal code to make it unlawful for any person to fraudulently or knowingly export from the United States any merchandise contrary to any U.S. law or to receive such merchandise prior to its exportation knowing that it is so intended.

(Sec. 1078) Designates the Mariners' Museum in Newport News, Virginia, and the South Street Seaport Museum buildings on Front Street, New York, as America's National Maritime Museum. Provides criteria for future additions to such Museum.

(Sec. 1079) Directs the Secretary to convene and preside over a conference to determine means to improve and increase the availability of military burial honors for veterans.

(Sec. 1080) Amends the Department of Defense Authorization Act, 1986 to require the Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency to carry out a program to provide assistance to State and local governments in developing capabilities to respond to emergencies involving risks to public health or safety that are identified by the Secretary as risks resulting from the storage or destruction of chemical agents and munitions at U.S. military installations or facilities.

(Sec. 1081) Expresses the sense of the Congress that the Secretary should: (1) urge the Russian Federation to extradite the former chief of the Georgian National Security Service, Lieutenant General Igor Giorgadze, to Georgia to stand trial for his role in the August 1995 attempted assassination of Georgian President Eduard Shevardnadze; (2) take steps to ensure that Russian military bases on Georgian territory are no longer used to facilitate the escape of such suspected assassins; and (3) ensure to the maximum extent practicable the personal security of President Shevardnadze.

(Sec. 1082) Provides for the issuance of burial flags for deceased members and certain former members of the Selected Reserve.

(Sec. 1083) Mandates as a standing order of the Senate that a Senator who provides notice to leadership of his or her intention to object to proceeding to a motion or matter shall disclose such objection or hold in the Congressional Record not later than two session days after the date of such notice.

(Sec. 1084) Amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1998 to revise goals with respect to U.S. efforts to increase its allies' share of the common defense burden. Requires a report from the Secretary to the Congress under such Act to include progress on achieving such increased burdensharing. Extends a current report deadline under such Act.

(Sec. 1085) Directs the Secretary to review, through an independent entity, and report to the defense committees on the functions of the Defense Automated Printing Service. Requires the Secretary to submit the entity's report to the Congress, together with a plan to outsource from such Service functions that are not inherently national security functions that the Secretary determines should be performed outside of DOD. Amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1996 to extend through FY 1999 the requirement for the competitive procurement of services under such Act.

(Sec. 1086) Directs the Secretary to study and report to the defense committees on the architecture requirements for the establishment and operation of a theater ballistic missile defense system in the Asia-Pacific region capable of protecting key U.S. regional allies.

(Sec. 1087) Requires DOD, in cooperation with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), to report to the defense and appropriations committees on responsibilities associated with U.S. international obligations under the Chemical Weapons Convention to destroy the U.S. chemical weapons stockpile, technical assistance provided DOD by the EPA in meeting such obligations, and related matters.

Title XI: Department of Defense Civilian Personnel - Repeals a Federal provision requiring the Secretary to conduct a program under which qualified spouses of military personnel are given a hiring preference for DOD child care positions.

(Sec. 1103) Extends through FY 2003 the authority for the DOD voluntary separation incentive pay program.

(Sec. 1104) Amends Federal provisions concerning the Civil Service Retirement System and the Federal Employees' Retirement System to provide voluntary early retirement authority for DOD civilian employees who either complete 25 years of service or, after becoming 50 years of age, complete 20 years of service. Outlines voluntary separation requirements, including that: (1) such employee has not received a notice of separation for misconduct or unacceptable performance; and (2) DOD or the military department involved is undergoing a major reorganization, reduction in force, or transfer of functions.

(Sec. 1105) Authorizes the Secretary, during the five-year period commencing on the date of enactment of this Act, to carry out a program of experimental use of special personnel management authority (the hiring of up to 20 individuals from outsid% the civil service and armed forces) to facilitate the recruitment of eminent experts in science or engineering for research and development projects administered by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. Limits the period of appointment (four years) and the amount of compensation to be paid to such employees.

Title XII: Joint Warfighting Experimentation - Expresses the sense of the Congress supporting the initiative of the Secretary and the JCS Chairman to designate a commander of a combatant command to have the mission for joint warfighting experimentation, the development and validation of new joint warfighting concepts and capabilities, and related DOD strategy for transforming U.S. armed forces to meet future national security threats. Request such commander to have sufficient freedom of action, authority, and resources to establish and conduct the joint warfighting experimentation process. Requests: (1) continued intraservice and multiservice warfighting experimentation, and related experimentation by the commander of U.S. Special Operations Command; and (2) congressional review of the initial and annual reports on joint warfighting experimentation to determine the adequacy of the scope and pace of U.S. military forces to meet future national security challenges.

(Sec. 1203) Requires an initial and annual reports from the appointed commander to the Secretary on the implementation of joint experimentation. Directs the Secretary to submit such reports to the chairmen of the defense committees.

Division B: Military Construction Authorizations - Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1999 - Title XXI(sic): Army - Authorizes the Secretary of the Army to acquire real property and carry out military construction projects in specified amounts at specified installations and locations. Authorizes such Secretary to construct or acquire family housing units, to carry out architectural planning and design activities, and to improve existing military family housing in specified amounts. Authorizes appropriations to the Army for fiscal years after 1998 for military construction, land acquisition, and military family housing functions of the Army. Limits the total cost of construction projects authorized by this title.

(Sec. 2105) Amends the Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1998 to increase the amount authorized for a military construction project at Fort Sill, Oklahoma.

Title XXII: Navy - Provides, with respect to the Navy, authorizations for purposes paralleling those for which authorizations are provided for the Army under the previous title.

Title XXIII: Air Force - Provides, with respect to the Air Force, authorizations for purposes paralleling those for which authorizations are provided for the Army under Title XXI.

Title XXIV: Defense Agencies - Authorizes the Secretary to acquire real property and carry out military construction projects in specified amounts at specified installations and locations. Authorizes the Secretary to improve existing military family housing units in a specified amount.

(Sec. 2403) Authorizes the Secretary to carry out certain energy conservation projects.

(Sec. 2404) Authorizes appropriations to DOD for fiscal years beginning after 1998 for military construction, land acquisition, and military family housing projects authorized by this title.

(Sec. 2405) Increases amounts authorized under prior military construction authorization Acts for projects at Pine Bluff Arsenal, Arkansas, Umatilla Army Depot, Oregon, and Portsmouth Naval Hospital, Virginia.

Title XXV: North Atlantic Treaty Organization Security Investment Program - Authorizes the Secretary to make contributions for the NATO Security Investment Program and authorizes appropriations for fiscal years after 1998 for such contributions.

Title XXVI: Guard and Reserve Forces Facilities - Authorizes appropriations for fiscal years after 1998 for Guard and Reserve forces for acquisition, architectural and engineering services, and construction of facilities.

(Sec. 2602) Amends the Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1998 to reduce the authorization of appropriations for Army Reserve military construction.

(Sec. 2603) Earmarks funds authorized under this title for the planning and design of the National Guard Military Educational Facility at Fort Bragg, North Carolina.

Title XXVII: Expiration and Extension of Authorizations - Terminates all authorizations contained in titles XXI through XXVI of this Act on October 1, 2001, or the date of enactment of an Act authorizing appropriations for military construction for FY 2002, whichever is later, with exceptions. Extends certain prior-year military construction projects.

(Sec. 2704) Authorizes the Secretaries of the Army, Navy, and Air Force to acquire additional real property, carry out additional specified military construction projects, and improve existing military family housing units at specified locations. Increases amounts authorized to be appropriated under this Act for Army, Navy, and Air Force military construction projects.

Title XXVIII: General Provisions - Subtitle A: Military Construction Program and Military Family Housing Changes - Revises Federal provisions concerning authorized architectural and engineering services and construction design to: (1) allow such services and design without regard to whether the military construction projects themselves are authorized by law; and (2) increase from $300,000 to $500,000 the amount authorized to be expended for such services before congressional notification is required.

(Sec. 2802) Authorizes the Secretary of the Army to lease up to 500 family housing units in Italy and up to 800 family housing units in Korea.

Subtitle B: Real Property and Facilities Administration - Increases from $200,000 to $500,000 the amount authorized to be expended by the Secretary concerned for a real property lease, acquisition, or transfer before congressional notification is required. Provides an exception to real property transaction reporting requirements during declarations of war, national emergency, major disaster, the use of riot militia, or a contingency operation. Requires such notification within 30 days after any such event.

(Sec. 2813) Waives applicability of Federal property disposal regulations under the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 with respect to leases entered into at military installations being closed or realigned under the base closure laws.

(Sec. 2814) Authorizes the Secretary, as a condition of a lease, license, or other grant of access entered into with another Federal agency for military property, to require such agency to remove any improvements and to restore such land to its condition before such use. Provides for cost reimbursement in lieu of such removal or restoration.

Subtitle C: Land Conveyances - Authorizes the Secretary of the Army to convey to: (1) the Indiana Army Ammunition Plant Reuse Authority the Indiana Army Ammunition Plant in Charlestown, Indiana; (2) Bridgton, Maine, the Army Reserve Center there; and (3) Hamilton County, Tennessee, the Volunteer Army Ammunition Plant in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

Authorizes the Secretary of the: (1) Army to release all interests in the former Kennebec Arsenal in Augusta, Maine; (2) Navy to convey to the Gulf of Maine Aquarium Development Corporation in Portland, Maine, the Naval Reserve Readiness Center in Portland; and (3) Air Force to convey to McNeese State University in Lake Charles, Louisiana, the Lake Charles Air Force Station.

(Sec. 2827) Amends the Military Construction Authorization Act, 1979 to include two additional parcels in a land conveyance with respect to Eglin Air Force Base, Florida.

(Sec. 2828) Authorizes the Secretary of the Army to convey to the city and county of Denver, Colorado, U.S. water rights and related interests in the Rocky Mountain Arsenal, Colorado, in order to acquire permanent contracts for the delivery of water to the Arsenal and the Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge.

(Sec. 2829) Authorizes the Secretary of the Navy to convey or lease to the Minneapolis-St. Paul Metropolitan Airports Commission in Minneapolis the Naval Air Reserve Center in Minneapolis.

(Sec. 2830) Authorizes the Secretary of the Army to convey to: (1) Peoria School District #150, Illinois, the Army Reserve Center in Peoria; (2) Skaneateles, New York, the Federal Farm located there; (3) Youngstown, Ohio, the Army Reserve Center there; and (4) the redevelopment authority for the Red River Army Depot, Texas, all U.S. rights to any utility system at the Lone Star Army Ammunition Plant, Texas.

(Sec. 2830D) Amends the Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1995 to modify a land conveyance with respect to Finley Air Force Station, Finley, North Dakota.

Subtitle D: Other Matters - Authorizes the Secretary of the Air Force to purchase from its developer the entire 366-unit military family housing project at Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska, if determined to be in the best economic interests of the Air Force.

(Sec. 2832) Authorizes the Secretary of the Navy to carry out beach replenishment in and around San Diego, California. Provides funding and cost limitations. Requires the Secretary to report to the Congress 30 days in advance of any such action.

(Sec. 2833) Amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1996 to add additional program and reporting requirements under the Department of Defense Laboratory Revitalization Demonstration Program. Extends such Program through FY 2003.

(Sec. 2834) Directs the Secretary to report to the Congress on the costs and benefits of implementing the initiative to build single occupancy barracks rooms having a shared bath. Prohibits the Secretary from requesting funding for such initiative in FY 2000 unless he certifies that further implementation of such initiative is necessary to ensure the retention in adequate numbers of first-term enlisted personnel.

(Sec. 2835) Directs the Secretary to submit to the President and the defense and appropriations committees a report on the potential for development of Ford Island within the Pearl Harbor Naval Complex in Oahu, Hawaii, through an integrated resource plan incorporating both appropriated funds and one or more public-private ventures.

(Sec. 2836) Directs the Secretary to report to the defense committees on leasing and other alternative uses of non-excess military property.

(Sec. 2837) Earmarks authorized funds for emergency repairs and stabilization measures at the Forest Glen Annex of Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Maryland.

Subtitle E: Base Closures - Revises the number and percentages of civilian personnel that must be affected before a base closure or realignment will be prohibited.

(Sec. 2852) Prohibits any DOD action from being taken, or DOD funds from being obligated or expended, to effect or implement the closure of a military installation within four years after a realignment that reduces the number of civilian personnel employed there below 225.

(Sec. 2853) Expresses the sense of the Congress that: (1) the Congress should not authorize another round of base closures and realignments until all actions authorized by the Defense Base Closure and Realignment Act of 1990 are completed; and (2) DOD should submit immediately to the Congress a previously required report analyzing the effect of such closures and realignments on the ability of the armed forces to remobilize.

Title XXIX: Juniper Butte Range Withdrawal - Juniper Butte Range Withdrawal Act - Withdraws the Juniper Butte Range, Idaho, from all forms of appropriation under the public land, mining, and mineral and geothermal leasing laws. Reserves such land to the Air Force for a high hazard training area, dropping training ordnance, electronic warfare and tactical maneuvering and air support, and other defense-related purposes. Endorses an agreement between the Bureau of Land Management and the Air Force with respect to additional mitigation measures for such lands. Directs the Secretary of the Interior to process and grant the Secretary of the Air Force rights- of-way upon certain range areas conducting Air Force electronic warfare training activities. Requires the Air Force, to the extent practicable, to protect Indian sacred sites on the range. Directs the Secretary of the Air Force to conclude and implement agreements with grazing permittees to provide appropriate consideration, including future grazing arrangements.

(Sec. 2908) Requires such Secretary to manage the reserved lands and to close such lands to public access in appropriate circumstances. Authorizes such Secretary to enter into leases with the State of Idaho in support of the Range and its operations. Directs such Secretary to suppress brush and range fires caused by Air Force operations. Requires such Secretary to develop an integrated natural resources management plan for the natural resources of withdrawn lands, requiring the Secretaries of the Air Force and the Interior and the governor of Idaho to enter into a memorandum of understanding for the development of the plan. Directs the Secretary of the Air Force to maintain roads and manage withdrawn and acquired mineral resources within the area of the range lands. Outlines water rights.

(Sec. 2915) Terminates the withdrawal and reservation 25 years after the enactment of this Act, with relinquishment before such date under appropriate circumstances. Requires such Secretary, at least two years before such termination date, to notify the Congress and the Secretary of the Interior as to whether the Air Force has a continuing military need for such lands after the termination date. Limits any such extension to an additional 25 years. Outlines provisions concerning the environmental remediation of such lands and authorized delegation of authority by each of the Secretaries. Expresses the sense of the Senate that the Secretary of the Air Force should ensure that Air Force budgetary planning makes available sufficient funding to assure Air Force participation in cooperative efforts developed by the Air Force, Bureau of Land Management, and the State of Idaho to monitor the impact of military activities on natural, cultural, and other resources and values of the withdrawn lands, as well as other Federal and State lands affected by military activities associated with the range.

(Sec. 2919) Authorizes appropriations.

Division C: Department of Energy National Security Authorizations and Other Authorizations - Title XXXI(sic): Department of Energy National Security Programs - Subtitle A: National Security Programs Authorizations - Authorizes appropriations to the Department of Energy (DOE) for FY 1999 for operating expenses, capital equipment, and plant projects necessary in carrying out the following activities for national security programs: (1) weapons activities; (2) environmental restoration and waste management; (3) other defense activities; (4) defense nuclear waste disposal; and (5) defense environmental management privatization initiatives.

Subtitle B: Recurring General Provisions - Prohibits the use of funds appropriated pursuant to this title for: (1) the cost of a program exceeding 110 percent of the program authorization or $1 million more than the amount authorized; or (2) programs which have not been presented to, or requested of, the Congress until the Secretary of Energy (Secretary, for purposes of this Division) transmits to the defense and appropriations committees a full statement of the action proposed and 30 days have since expired.

(Sec. 3122) Places certain funding limits for general plant and construction projects of DOE. Requires congressional reports when amounts exceed such limits.

(Sec. 3124) Authorizes the Secretary to transfer DOE-authorized funds: (1) to other Federal agencies for the performance of work for which such funds were authorized; or (2) between authorizations within DOE, to be merged with and available for the same purposes. Requires notification to the defense committees of any such transfers.

(Sec. 3125) Directs the Secretary, before submitting a funding request for a construction project in support of a DOE national security program, to complete a conceptual design for such project. Requires a separate funding request for such designs for which the estimated cost exceeds $3 million. Authorizes the Secretary to carry out construction design services in connection with any proposed construction project if the total estimated cost for the design does not exceed $600,000. Requires specific authorization by law for designs exceeding such amount.

(Sec. 3126) Authorizes the use of DOE funds for planning, design, and construction activities for any DOE national security program that must proceed expeditiously in order to protect public health and safety, meet the needs of national defense, or protect property. Requires the Secretary to report to the defense and appropriations committees when funds are so used. Makes funds for management and support and for general plant projects under this Subtitle available for all DOE national security programs.

(Sec. 3129) Directs the Secretary, during FY 1999, to empower each DOE field office manager with the authority to transfer defense environmental management funds from a program or project under such office's jurisdiction to another program or project in order to address a risk to health, safety, or the environment or to assure the most efficient use of such funds at that field office. Limits such transfers to a total of $5 million per fiscal year. Directs the Secretary to notify the Congress within 30 days after any such transfer.

Subtitle C: Program Authorizations, Restrictions, and Limitations - Prohibits, with specified exceptions, FY 1999 DOE funds from being obligated or expended to conduct any activities: (1) associated with international cooperative stockpile stewardship; or (2) relating to ballistic or theater missile defense.

(Sec. 3133) Prohibits any person from constructing or operating a facility under contract with DOE for fabricating mixed plutonium-uranium oxide nuclear reactor fuel for use in a commercial nuclear reactor without first obtaining a license from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

(Sec. 3134) Directs the Secretary to continue operations and maintain a high state of readiness at the F- and H-canyon facilities at the Savannah River site and to provide technical staff to operate and maintain such facilities.

(Sec. 3135) Amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1995 to authorize DOE federally funded research and development centers to participate in merit-based technology research and development programs.

(Sec. 3136) Earmarks authorized funds for payment to the educational foundation chartered to enhance educational activities in the public schools in the vicinity of Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico.

(Sec. 3137) Authorizes the Secretary to enter into partnership arrangements to share the costs of operating the hazardous materials management and emergency response training facility in Richland, Washington, as authorized under the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1995.

(Sec. 3138) Earmarks DOE funds for: (1) activities relating to the Hanford Health Information Network as established under the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1991; (2) the Initiatives for Proliferation Prevention program; and (3) the nuclear cities initiative.

(Sec. 3140) Authorizes the Secretary to conduct: (1) research and other activities through contractor-operated facilities of DOE on behalf of other Federal departments and agencies, State and local governments and agencies, and private persons and entities and to impose charges to conduct such activities; and (2) during FY 1999 through 2003 a pilot program under which the Secretary and such contractors reduce the facility overhead charges imposed for conducting such activities. Authorizes contractors involved in the program to enter into partnerships with small businesses at such facility relating to technology.

(Sec. 3140A) Directs the Secretary to submit to the defense committees a plan for the design, construction, and relocation of the National Atomic Museum in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Subtitle D: Other Matters - Repeals a provision of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1998 setting forth policy under the stockpile stewardship program.

(Sec. 3142) Amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1995 to increase compensation levels for scientific, engineering, and technical personnel responsible for safety at DOE nuclear facilities.

(Sec. 3143) Expresses the sense of the Senate that OMB should, beginning with FY 2000, transfer the Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program from the defense 050 budget function to a non-defense discretionary budget function.

(Sec. 3144) Amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1995 to extend through FY 2000 the authority for the appointment within DOE of certain scientific, engineering, and technical personnel.

(Sec. 3145) Authorizes DOE to pay incentive payments to qualifying employees who voluntarily separate before January 1, 2001.

(Sec. 3146) Amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1996 to allow Federal agencies, including the National Archives and Records Administration, to conduct a visual inspection of all permanent records of historical value which are 25 years old or older prior to declassification to ascertain that they contain no pages with Restricted Data or Formerly Restricted Data markings.

(Sec. 3147) Expresses the sense of the Senate encouraging DOE and the State of Washington to implement a memorandum of understanding for the continued involvement by the State of Oregon in decisions of concern to Oregon regarding the Hanford Reservation in Washington.

(Sec. 3148) Directs the CG to review and report to the Congress on the calculation of overhead costs of cleanup at DOE sites.

(Sec. 3149) Expresses the sense of the Congress that for each of the fiscal years 2000 through 2008 it should be an objective of the Secretary to increase the budget for nonproliferation science and technology activities by at least two percent over the previous year, after inflation.

(Sec. 3150) Requires the Secretary to select a tritium production technology no later than December 31, 1998.

Subtitle E: Maximum Age for New Department of Energy Nuclear Materials Couriers - Authorizes the Secretary to determine and fix the maximum age limit for an original appointment as a DOE nuclear materials courier. Adds such position to Federal employee classification provisions.

Title XXXII: Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board - Authorizes appropriations for FY 1999 for the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board.

Title XXXIII: National Defense Stockpile - Authorizes the National Defense Stockpile (NDS) Manager, during FY 1999, to obligate up to $83 million of the funds in the National Defense Stockpile Transaction Fund (Fund) for authorized Fund uses, including the disposal of hazardous materials that are environmentally sensitive. Authorizes the NDS Manager to obligate amounts in excess of such amount 45 days after notifying the Congress that extraordinary or emergency conditions necessitate the additional obligations.

(Sec. 3303) Directs the President to dispose of NDS materials. Specifies disposal limits.

(Sec. 3304) Amends the Strategic and Critical Materials Stock Piling Act to authorize the use of NDS funds for the performance of environmental remediation, restoration, waste management, or compliance activities required under Federal law or undertaken by administrative decision or negotiated agreement.

Title XXXIV: Naval Petroleum Reserves - Authorizes appropriations for FY 1999 for activities relating to the naval petroleum reserves.

Title XXXV: Panama Canal Commission - Panama Canal Commission Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1999 - Authorizes the Panama Canal Commission to make such expenditures as necessary for the operation, maintenance, and improvement of the Panama Canal for FY 1999, with specified funding limits.

(Sec. 3503) Requires Commission funds to be made available for the purchase and transportation to the Republic of Panama of passenger motor vehicles, with a per vehicle cost limit of $23,000.

(Sec. 3504) Requires expenditures authorized under this title to be in accordance with the Panama Canal Treaties of 1977 and any laws implementing those treaties.

(Sec. 3505) Authorizes the Commission to seek and accept donations to carry out Commission promotional activities.

(Sec. 3506) Authorizes the Secretary of State to enter into one or more agreements under which the United States furnishes administrative services relating to Commission pension, disability, and medical benefits, as well as workmen's compensation, after December 31, 1999, and establishes appropriate procedures for providing advance funding for such services.

(Sec. 3507) Repeals on December 30, 1999, current Federal provisions concerning rights of and benefits accruing to Commission employees at the Canal.

(Sec. 3508) Repeals a Federal provision establishing a Commission central examining office.

(Sec. 3509) Revises provisions concerning Commission liability for vessel accidents to require claimants to be covered by one or more insurance policies totaling at least $1 million against the injuries claimed. Limits Commission liability to amounts in excess of any insurance amounts recovered.

(Sec. 3510) Makes a Commission employee eligible, upon request, for appointment on a noncompetitive basis to vacant positions in the competitive civil service within: (1) an area determined by the OPM Director as being within a reasonable commuting distance of the employee's residence; or (2) any Standard Federal Region designated by such employee. Outlines eligibility requirements, including U.S. citizenship and a notice of separation by reason of a reduction in force.

(Sec. 3511) Provides compensation levels for members of the Commission's Board of Contract Appeals.

(Sec. 3513) Requires a DOD officer designated by the Secretary of Defense to be one of the members of the Panama Canal Commission Supervisory Board.

Title XXXVI: Commercial Activities of the People's Liberation Army - Directs the Secretary of Defense to compile, publish, and update continuously a list of persons who are Communist Chinese military companies owned or controlled by the People's Liberation Army and who are operating directly or indirectly in the United States or any of its territories and possessions. Authorizes the President to exercise authorities under the International Emergency Economic Powers Act with respect to any U.S. commercial activity of such a company, except authorities relating to importation.

Title XXXVII: Forced or Indentured Labor - Authorizes appropriations for FY 1999 to the U.S. Customs Service to monitor the importation of products made with forced labor or indentured labor, including forced or indentured child labor, the importation of which violates the Tariff Act of 1930. Directs the Commissioner of Customs to prepare and transmit to the Congress a report on products made with such labor that are destined for the U.S. market. Expresses the sense of the Congress that the President should determine whether any country with which the United States has a memorandum of understanding with respect to reciprocal trade that involves goods made with forced or indentured labor is frustrating implementation of the memorandum, and, if so, to commence negotiations for a new memorandum which provides effective procedures for the monitoring of such labor.

Title XXXVIII: Fair Trade in Automotive Parts - Fair Trade in Automotive Parts Act of 1998 - Directs the Secretary of Commerce to: (1) reestablish the initiative to increase the sale of U.S.-made automotive parts and accessories to Japanese markets, including appropriate consultation and the exchange of information; and (2) establish a Special Advisory Committee to advise, assist, and report on issues relating to sales of U.S. automotive parts and accessories in Japanese and other Asian markets.

(Sec. 3805) Terminates the initiative on December 31, 2003.

Title XXXIX: Radio Free Asia - Radio Free Asia Act of 1998 - Authorizes appropriations for FY 1998 and 1999 for Radio Free Asia, a program offering free broadcasting services to China and Tibet. Expresses the sense of the Congress that a significant amount of authorized funds should be directed towards broadcasting to such countries in the appropriate languages and dialects. Authorizes appropriations for such fiscal years for: (1) international broadcasting activities, to be available only for enhanced Voice of America broadcasting to China; and (2) radio construction, to be available only for construction in support of enhanced broadcasting to China.

(Sec. 3904) Directs the Broadcasting Board of Governors to prepare and submit to the appropriate congressional committees an assessment of the Board's efforts to increase broadcasting by Radio Free Asia and Voice of America to China and Tibet.