Summary: H.R.1977 — 104th Congress (1995-1996)All Information (Except Text)

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Conference report filed in House, 3rd conference report (12/12/1995)


Title I: Department of the Interior

Title II: Related Agencies

Title III: General Provisions

Department of the Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1996 - Title I: Department of the Interior - Makes appropriations for the FY 1996 operation of the Department of the Interior.

Prohibits this Act's funds being spent by the National Park Service for activities in direct response to the United Nations Biodiversity Initiative in the United States.

Authorizes the National Park Service (NPS) to transfer NPS funds to State, local, and tribal governments, other public entities, educational institutions, and private nonprofit organizations to carry out NPS programs.

Directs the National Park Service to conduct a Feasibility Study for a northern access route into Denali National Park and Preserve in Alaska.

Restricts or regulates: (1) the use of this Act's research resources funds regarding the Endangered Species Act; and (2) activities and funding relating to the National Biological Survey.

Provides funding for the closure of the U.S. Bureau of Mines, transferring specified functions to the Secretary of Energy.

Sets forth the uses and limitations for such appropriations, including use of Bureau of Indian Affairs school system funds.

Provides for a report concerning Indian tribes and their compliance with provisions of the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act.

(Sec. 109) Repeals the Outer Banks Protection Act.

(Sec. 118) Sets forth provisions affecting the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, American Samoa, the Virgin Islands, the Republic of Palau, the Federated States of Micronesia, and the Republic of the Marshall Islands concerning infrastructure assistance.

Title II: Related Agencies - Makes appropriations for FY 1996 for the Department of Agriculture for the Forest Service. Prohibits the use of funds to implement any reorganization or "reinvention" of the Forest Service.

Makes appropriations for the Department of Energy for, among other things, fossil energy research and development, the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR), and the SPR Account.

Makes appropriations to the Department of Health and Human Services for the Indian Health Service for Indian health services and facilities.

Appropriates funds to: (1) the Department of Education for the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education for Indian Education; (2) the Office of Navajo and Hopi Relocation; (3) the Institute of American Indian and Alaska Native Culture and Arts Development; (4) the Smithsonian Institution; (5) construction and improvements at the National Zoological Park; (6) restoration and repair of buildings owned or occupied by the Smithsonian Institution; (7) the National Gallery of Art; (8) the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts; and (9) the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.

Makes appropriations for: (1) the National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities; (2) the Institute of Museum Services; (3) the Commission of Fine Arts; (4) National Capital arts and cultural affairs; (5) the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation; (6) the National Capital Planning Commission; (7) the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial Commission; and (8) the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council. Requires that funds made available in previous years for the Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation be available for operating and administrative expenses and for the orderly closure of the Corporation.

Sets forth uses and prohibitions on such funds.

Title III: General Provisions - Sets forth uses and limitations of funds appropriated by this Act.

(Sec. 307) Requires expenditures under this Act to comply with the Buy American Act. Expresses the sense of the Congress that entities receiving Federal assistance should purchase only American-made equipment and products. Prohibits Federal contracts with persons found to have falsely labeled a product with a "Made in America" inscription.

(Sec. 312) Prohibits any funds from this Act from being used for the AmeriCorps program.

(Sec. 313) Mandates dissolution of the Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation.

(Sec. 314) Regulates use of any Act's funds for the Interior Columbia Basin Ecosystem Management Project.

(Sec. 315) Directs the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture to implement a fee program to demonstrate the feasibility of user-generated cost recovery for the operation and maintenance of recreation areas or sites and habitat enhancement projects on Federal lands.

(Sec. 322) Prohibits, with exceptions, use of this Act's funds to accept or process applications for a patent for any mining or mill site claim located under the general mining laws.

(Sec. 324) Prohibits funding the Office of Forestry and Economic Development after December 31, 1995.

(Sec. 326) Provides for a land exchange in Washington State. Authorizes appropriations as necessary to carry out this Act.

(Sec. 327) Provides for the establishment of the Timber Sales Pipeline Restoration Fund.

(Sec. 328) Places limitations on the type of grant awards that can be made by the National Endowment for the Arts.

(Sec. 329) Delays the implementation of regulations concerning livestock grazing on lands administered by the Forest Service.

(Sec. 330) Increases penalties for the use of a hazardous or injurious device on Federal or Indian lands.

(Sec. 331) Prohibits, notwithstanding any other provision of law, the use of funds available to the National Endowment for the Arts pursuant to this Act to promote, disseminate, sponsor, or produce any material or performance that: (1) denigrates the religious objects or religious beliefs of the adherents of a particular religion; or (2) depicts or describes, in a patently offensive way, sexual or excretory activities or organs. Requires that this prohibition be strictly applied without regard to the content or viewpoint of the material or performance.

(Sec. 333) Prohibits using this Act's funds to review or modify sourcing areas previously approved under specified provisions of the Forest Resources Conservation and Shortage Relief Act of 1990 or to enforce or implement specified Federal regulations. Prohibits adoption of policies that would restrain domestic transportation or processing of timber from private lands or impose additional accountability requirements on any timber.