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Congressman Mike Quigley

Representing the 5th District of Illinois


Put simply, women have the right to make their own private health decisions. The landmark decision, Roe v. Wade, established that a woman’s constitutional right to privacy extends to her right to choose. While abortion remains legal, in the years since Roe v. Wade, opponents of choice have attempted to chip away at this right at the federal, state, and local levels. I am honored to fight on behalf of the women I represent so that abortion and family planning services are not only legal, but safe and accessible.

As a member of the Pro-Choice Caucus, I was proud to stand alongside advocates for choice as the Supreme Court heard arguments in 2016’s Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedtarguably the most important abortion case in decades.  In recent years, we have seen a sharp increase in attacks on abortion and reproductive services, which is why I have been proud to help introduce the Women’s Health Protection Act, to push for passage of the EACH Woman Act, and to join my colleagues in calling for an end to the Hyde Amendment that prevents federal funding for abortion. As a member of the House Appropriations Committee, I have also pushed for increased funding for the Title X program and Planned Parenthood, and defended the United Nations Population Fund from harmful and misguided funding cuts. 

In the face of the Trump Administration, it is even more imperative that a woman’s healthcare decisions remain between her and her doctor. Women must be free from government interference to make the choices about what is best for their health and their families. Choice is not solely a “women’s issue”. It’s a civil rights issue and an American issue. And as your representative in Washington, I will always stand up for women’s reproductive rights. I have been encouraging men to step up in protecting access to affordable birth control and to support women in the fight for reproductive rights.

Speaking at the #HandsOffMyBC Rally, Rep. Quigley stood with women in fierce opposition to the Trump Administration’s efforts to restrict access to birth control.

Rep. Quigley spoke out against anti-abortion bill H.R. 7, which was introduced three days after millions of women joined around the world in support of reproductive rights.

Rep. Quigley spoke to his colleagues in support of women's reproductive rights in the midst of the Whole Woman's Health v. Hellerstedt Supreme Court case.

Rep. Quigley has been a fervent defender of Planned Parenthood before and during his time in Congress. He visited with staff in Wicker Park to thank them for the services they provide to women and families in Chicago.

More on Choice

Oct 3, 2017 Press Release

WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Representative Mike Quigley (IL-05), a member of the Pro-Choice Caucus, released the following statement after House Republicans passed the Twenty Week Abortion Ban (H.R. 36), another attack on a woman’s right to choose:

Sep 14, 2017 Press Release
Rep. Quigley released the following statement after the House of Representatives passed H.R. 3354, an appropriations bill that will cut women’s health care programs:
Jan 25, 2017 In the News
Just a handful of days into Donald Trump's presidency, abortion opponents already have reason to celebrate.
Jan 24, 2017 Press Release
U.S. Representative Mike Quigley (IL-05), member of the Pro-Choice Caucus, released the following statement in opposition to Republicans’ anti-choice bill, H.R. 7:
Jan 5, 2017 Press Release
U.S. Representative Mike Quigley (IL-05), a member of the Pro-Choice Caucus, released the following statement following Speaker Ryan’s pledge to defund Planned Parenthood as part of legislation to repeal the Affordable Care Act:
