Congresswoman Chellie Pingree

Representing the 1st District of Maine

Food & Agriculture

food waste press conference

IMPORTANT UPDATE: Congresswoman Pingree has introduced comprehensive legislation to build on the success of local and regional food economies by helping farmers tap into growing markets and helping consumers access healthy food. Learn more about HR 3941, the Local FARMS Act here. 

Congresswoman Chellie Pingree is a national leader on food policy, including issues involving local food, food waste, and organic agriculture.
She currently serves on the House Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee, which oversees federal funding for the United States Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration. 

As Congress prepares to work on the next Farm Bill, Congresswoman Pingree is introducing legislation to support local and regional food systems, increase funding for organic research, standardize food date labels, and reduce food waste across the food chain.   

During the last Farm Bill, Congresswoman Pingree served on the House Agriculture Committee. After years of work, the President signed a 2014 Farm Bill containing many of the reforms proposed in her Local Farms, Food, and Jobs Act.  These reforms take important steps to support local farmers, invest in regional food systems, and give all consumers better access to nutritious food that benefits the local economy.  

Among others, her victories include: 

  • Making it easier to use SNAP benefits to purchase local food
  • More funding to promote farmers markets and farm stand, assist farmers seeking organic certification, and make local value-added products.
  • Reforming federal insurance programs that work better to protect organic and diversified farms​

But there is more work to be done to turn the nation's food policy right side up. Visit here for updates on her work to make our food system work better for the environment, people, and the economy.  

More on Food & Agriculture

Jun 17, 2015 Page

Women in Agriculture discussion

Monday, June 29
1:30-2:30 pm
Wolfe's Neck Farm
Freeport, Maine
Please register by email.

Jun 10, 2015 Press Release
"There are few people who are more knowledgeable or who have made a greater impact on the growing success of organic farming in America than Eliot Coleman. He not only understands the science and techniques of organic farming better than anyone I know, he's also put that knowledge to work and proved that an organic farm on a small piece of land can thrive and be economically viable. ..."
Jun 10, 2015 Press Release
Congresswoman Chellie Pingree took to the House floor today to speak out against an effort to repeal a law requiring imported meat to be labeled with its country of origin.
Jun 3, 2015 Press Release
The vast majority of antibiotics are not used on people, but are fed to healthy animals to make them grow faster. This "non-therapeutic use" has been linked to an increase in antibiotic-resistant illnesses in humans.
May 20, 2015 Press Release
Says DARK Act threatens to overturn GMO law in Maine and other states
May 15, 2015 Press Release
Consumer demand for organics outpacing supply; new assistance will help more farmers get certified
May 14, 2015 Press Release
Says Trans Pacific Partnership could jeopardize food safety in United States
Feb 15, 2015 Editorial
Companies want to keep consumers in dark about GMO foods
Feb 6, 2015 Press Release

Tomorrow, February 7, will mark one year since President Obama signed the 2014 Farm Bill. Today, Congresswoman Chellie Pingree celebrated the many ways the bill has expanded opportunities for Maine farmers over the last year, thanks to several reforms she introduced that were incorporated into the final bill.

Feb 2, 2015 Press Release

Congresswoman Chellie Pingree said this morning that Portland-based Cultivating Community will be getting a $750,000 federal grant to give new immigrants the agricultural skills they need to start their ownfarm businesses.
