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Congressman Tim Ryan

Representing the 13th District of Ohio


Criminal Justice Reform

Criminal Justice Reform

It is necessary to reform the criminal justice system to ensure we rebuild trust between communities and police while supporting the important and necessary work of law enforcement. Congressman Ryan supports the introduction of mandatory body cameras and increasing funding to police departments.
warehouse manager shaking hands with warehouse worker


A strong and stable economy is key to ensuring Americans live prosperously. Congressman Ryan supports initiatives which put Americans back to work and support vital industries.
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Congressman Ryan believes that improving education and providing the opportunity for all citizens to access quality education needs to be a number one priority.
oil rig and sunset


It is necessary to transition our energy sources to renewables to reduce our dependence on foreign oil, however, the country’s transportation sector will continue to rely on fossil fuels for the foreseeable future. Congressman Ryan supports a comprehensive approach to energy independence which can create domestic jobs and is more sustainable than other fossil fuels.


The threat of global climate change is one of the most critical issues facing our nation, and the world today. I believe that we owe it to future generations to tackle this problem head on and get serious in addressing the reduction of carbon emissions.

Fighting for our Servicemembers and Veterans

This country’s servicemembers and Veterans have made the ultimate sacrifice. Congressman Ryan is committed to honoring our obligations to these men and women, and to improving the health and readiness of our military.

Health and Wellness

Americans are facing a chronic health epidemic which is increasing healthcare spending and lowering quality of life. Congressman Ryan has introduced legislation which promotes healthy living and is intended to reduce negative healthcare outcomes.
stethoscope on a clipboard

Health Care

Congressman Ryan believes that affordable and accessible health care is a basic right for all Americans, and that health insurance is an investment not only in quality of life for our citizens, but also in our economy.
US flag and two dollar bills

Helping Working Families

A strong economy is the single most important factor in making the American Dream possible. I am proud to support legislation that stands with workers and working families and helps to alleviate the challenges they face.
a bridge


With our energy grids failing, our sewers leaking, our roads crumbling, and interest rates at historically low levels, now is the time to reinvest in America.
The Fight to Bring Claudia Hoerig to Justice

Justice for Karl Hoerig

For a decade I have fought for justice for Major Karl Hoerig and his family. I want to give you an important update on my efforts to bring Claudia Hoerig to trial for the murder of her husband and my constituent, U.S. Air Force Reserve Major Karl Hoerig.
Defending LGBTQ Equality

LGBTQ Equality

Although we now have marriage equality, there remains institutionalized discrimination against LGBTQ individuals. We must defend marriage equality and continue to fight discrimination wherever it appears.
construction workers smiling


It is essential we do all we can to strengthen and protect manufacturing, a vital American industry and the foundation of our economy.
Fighting the Prescription Drug and Heroin Epidemic

Prescription Drug and Heroin Epidemic

A prescription drug and heroin epidemic is currently sweeping our state and the nation.
Protecting Our Seniors

Protecting Our Seniors

We must ensure that our seniors are protected in their retirement. Congressman Ryan understands the importance of defending Social Security and Medicare, which have kept millions of seniors out of poverty.

Protecting Reproductive Health

There are many factors involved in decisions surrounding women’s reproductive health, however, it is clear that every women has the right to choose. Congressman Ryan supports legislation that protects this right.

Women's Equality

In 2015, women made 78 cents for every dollar earned by a man. African American women earned 64 cents and Latina women earned 56 cents for every dollar earned by a white man. This is unacceptable. It is common sense that women and men should earn an equal income when they are doing equal work.