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Congressman Robert Aderholt

Representing the 4th District of Alabama


Internships in Washington, DC

A congressional internship provides a unique view into the inner workings of a congressional office and the legislative process. In the Washington, DC office, internships are generally in the summer months and divided into two sessions, typically May to June and July to August. However, there are occasional opportunities for an all Summer session or an internship during the Spring or Fall semesters.

Interns’ responsibilities will vary. They may be asked to answer phones, run errands, research legislation for the Member and legislative staff, lead tours of the U.S. Capitol for visitors from the Fourth District, attend hearings and briefings and draft responses to constituent letters on various issues before the House. As a result, interns learn about the legislative process and the many other functions of a congressional office. The office hours are generally 9:00am to 6:00pm, but interns may work shifts to meet the needs of the office.

Although all internships are unpaid, students gain invaluable work experience. Interns applicants should have completed one year of college and are required to secure their own housing during their time in DC. Please see this document that may provide guidance on some of the options in DC when looking for housing. Keep in mind that housing fills up quickly for the summer.

Application Process

The deadline to submit an application for the Summer 2019 internship program is Friday, February 8, 2019. To apply, please complete the application below, attach the required documents and either attach and email the packet to or mail to Office of Rep. Robert B. Aderholt, Attn: Internship Coordinator, 235 Cannon HOB, Washington, DC 20515. Keep in mind that mail to our DC office may take an additional two weeks due to security screening.

If you have any questions or need assistance with the application process, please don't hesitate to contact the internship coordinator at 202-225-4876.


Internship Application (if link won't open in browser, right click and choose "Save Link As" - Adobe Reader required)

Cover Letter


Copy of College Transcripts (does not have to be official)

Two Letters of Recommendation