
Sinema Holds Town Hall with Seniors in Phoenix

Partnership to Fight Chronic Disease presents Sinema with ‘Champion for Healthy Seniors’ award

Phoenix – Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema (AZ-09) held a town hall today to hear directly from Arizona seniors about issues that matter to them. At the La Siena senior living community, Sinema took questions from the audience and discussed her work to protect and improve Medicare, defend Social Security, and help seniors guard against financial fraud and abuse. She also received the Champion for Healthy Seniors award from the Partnership to Fight Chronic Disease.

“Arizona seniors worked hard their entire lives, and they deserve a secure retirement,” said Congresswoman Sinema. “The seniors I heard from today expect results from Washington, not more chaos and dysfunction. I will continue working across the aisle to strengthen Medicare and Social Security, help protect seniors’ hard-earned savings, and ensure all Arizona seniors have access to quality, affordable health care.”

Sinema discusses her work to ensure seniors in Arizona can count on a secure retirement and receives an award for her work to protect and improve Medicare.



At the town hall, Sinema was presented with the Champion for Healthy Seniors award from the Partnership to Fight Chronic Disease for her successful efforts to improve Medicare and make prescription drugs more affordable for seniors.

Congresswoman Sinema has a long history getting things done for Arizona seniors. Among other accomplishments, she:

·       Stood firm against bills that would lead to cuts in Medicare and Social Security;

·       Voted against legislation to impose what AARP called an “age tax” on older Arizonans;

·       Protected seniors’ financial security with her Senior Safe Act, a recently signed law that protects Arizona seniors’ hard-earned savings from financial fraud and abuse;

·       Helped strengthen protections and safeguards for senior investors; and

·       Opposed efforts to raise the retirement age.
