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Washington D.C. – President George W. Bush announced Monday that he will nominate Michael B. Mukasey as the new attorney general to replace Alberto Gonzales, who resigned his post effective Sep. 17, 2007.

U.S. Senator Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., looks forward to reviewing the qualifications of the President’s nominee and hopes senators will take the opportunity to avoid an unnecessarily bitter politically partisan feud.

"This is an opportunity for us to take a progressive step in the course of replacing the nation’s primary legal adviser. I am looking forward to reviewing Judge Mukasey’s qualifications and closely monitoring the Judiciary Committee’s confirmation process. I hope we are able to work together in filling this void in a timely manner and in a manner befitting a Senate concerned more about governing than making political statements."

Mukasey’s nomination will now go to the Senate Judiciary Committee. Members of that committee will vote on the nomination before sending it to the Senate floor for consideration of all senators.

Gonzales’ successor will be the 81st attorney general to serve the U.S. and the third of Bush’s presidency – John Ashcroft preceded Gonzales.