

Unmasked: How Republicans Trick Taxpayers and Treat Industry


GAO: BLM Could Improve Oversight of Lease Suspensions with Better Data and Monitoring Procedures

A June 19, 2018, report by the Government Accountability Office on the oil and gas industry frequently leasing public land and doing nothing with it.… Continue Reading


Bureau of Land Management Needs to Improve Its Data and Oversight of Its Potential Liabilities

A June 5, 2018, GAO report on the high cost to taxpayers of orphaned oil and gas wells. The report finds that the Bureau of Land Management has not kept accurate records of such costs.… Continue Reading


2017: A Year of the Resistance

Ranking Member Grijalva's staff released a year-end report titled, 2017: A Year of the Resistance to highlight the relentless attacks Republicans in Congress and the administration have made on our country's foundational environmental policies. Republicans have successfully undermined key environmental laws and have introduced new pieces of legislation that put our public lands, waters, clean energy supply, and the health and safety of our communities at risk.… Continue Reading


#InteriorToo: Addressing sexual harassment across the Department of the Interior starts with strong anti-harassment policies

The report focuses on the sexual harassment problems across the Department of the Interior and offers recommendations on how to instill strong anti-harassment policies.… Continue Reading


Missing the Mark 2017, Part II

An update to a groundbreaking report assessing the impacts of trophy hunting on efforts to conserve threatened and endangered wildlife in four African countries.… Continue Reading


Fossil Apostles: Fossil Fuels, the GOP, and the Fate of Our National Monuments

A report from Ranking Member Grijalva on the Trump administration's "review" of 27 national monuments with an eye to shrinking them or rescinding their conservation status. The review, which was expected to be completed shortly after this report was made public, has been plagued by a lack of public input, Interior Secretary Zinke's refusal to meet with pro-monument stakeholders, unclear criteria and little transparency, and heavy industry influence on the administration's fossil fuel policies.… Continue Reading


GAO Report on BLM Waiving of Oil and Gas Lease Stipulations

GAO was asked to examine BLM's efforts to mitigate environmental impacts from oil and gas development. This report examines the extent to which BLM Approved requests for exceptions to lease and permit requirements and how these decisions were made and documented Involved the public in the development of lease and permit requirements and in the approval of exception requests Implemented and assessed the effectiveness of its best management practices policy. GAO examined laws, regulations,… Continue Reading


Water Delayed is Water Denied

Report finds that nearly 48 percent of U.S. homes on Native American land - in contrast to less than 1 percent of U.S. homes overall - do not have access to reliable water sources, clean drinking water or basic sanitation, a problem exacerbated by the refusal of today's Republican congressional majority to approve water rights settlements.… Continue Reading


Interior Could Do More to Account for and Manage Natural Gas Emissions

GAO was asked to review Interior's management of natural gas emissions onshore. This report examines: The extent to which Interior can account for these emissions How BLM field offices have managed requests to vent or flare. GAO analyzed Interior data, including a simple random sample of venting or flaring requests from fiscal year 2014, the most recent year for which data were available; reviewed Interior documents; and interviewed officials from a nongeneralizable sample of six BLM fiel… Continue Reading


Missing the Mark: African trophy hunting fails to show consistent conservation benefits

This report evaluates that claim as it pertains to prized species in popular hunting locations, and examines the conditions under which trophy hunting may contribute to conservation.… Continue Reading


Bruised and Bitten: How Major Spending Cuts in Puerto Rico Have Left The Island Vulnerable to Zika

The House Natural Resources Committee staff, led by Ranking Member Grijalva, released a report showing that devastating budget cuts imposed in the wake of Puerto Rico's $72 billion financial crisis have left Puerto Rico vulnerable to the Zika virus. As Congress considers legislation to help the 3.5 million American citizens living on the island emerge from this humanitarian crisis, it is clear that further cuts could be dangerous and cost more than they would save.… Continue Reading


Profit at Any Cost: How Some Hedge Funds Win by Making Sure Puerto Rico Loses

This report examines the role of hedge funds in this crisis. It finds that certain hedge funds are attempting to rewrite recent financial and political history in order to capitalize on the island's financial difficulties at the expense of the residents of Puerto Rico, who are American citizens.… Continue Reading

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