This Manufacturing Week, I want to talk to you about the critical role manufacturing plays in Minnesota, and how we can better help this industry succeed. Listen to my message below!
On this day 230 years ago, thirty-nine delegates signed the United States Constitution, officially creating a more perfect union. Happy Constitution Day everyone!
Emmer Recognizes National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day

Jacquie and I wish you a Merry Christmas! It is our hope that your Christmas is filled with family, peace, and goodwill.

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Great to see Minnesota taking a lead on implementing trauma-informed interviewing techniques with victims of sexual assault. The way victims are interviewed is a key part of their recovery process, as is a compassionate response in the immediate aftermath. Our state is taking important steps forward to provide better treatment to sexual assault victims in crisis and making certain it is treated like the heinous crime it is. I will continue to push for the #AbbyHonoldAct to ensure law enforcement has the ability to provide this training.
Law enforcement officers responding to sexual assaults in Minnesota would be expected to follow strict new protocols — including the best ways to gather evidence and interview victims — under a draft policy prepared for the state's police licensing board.