
Health Care Reform: Patient Centered Solutions I Support

  • Making health insurance companies compete nationwide, across state lines - Americans should have the freedom to buy health insurance from any provider
  • Guaranteeing people with pre-existing conditions can get affordable coverage - Creating high risk pools with premium caps and expanding Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) protections will ensure access to coverage
  • Providing a universal tax deduction for buying health insurance - Whether Americans buy health insurance independently or through an employer, the tax code should treat everyone fairly
  • Empowering families with tax-free Health Savings Accounts (HSAs)- Letting families save more for health care expenses will encourage financial stability
  • Increasing Transparency in billing so consumers know what they are paying for - In the age of the Internet, everyone can see prices and reviews of anything before buying – except when it comes to health care
  • Enabling small businesses and other groups to pool their coverage - Letting employers partner together to get the same insurance rates as large corporations will lower costs
  • Cracking down on junk lawsuits - Capping attorney fees and reforming our legal system will let doctors focus on giving patients the care they truly need and save the time and money wasted by frivolous claims
  • Reducing the doctor shortage – Incentivizing primary care physicians to work in underserved areas will increase access and improve quality of care
  • Giving states flexibility to improve Medicaid through innovation– After it was freed from some federal mandates, Rhode Island increased choice and expanded access for low-income Americans while reducing cost. Other states should be able to do the same.