
COLUMN: Farm Bill Passage Helps Central Washington Farm Country

Last week, Congress voted 369-47 to pass the 2018 Farm Bill, sending this critical legislation to President Trump for his signature into law. The agreement sets us on a better path for our country’s farmers and ranchers, for our rural communities, for small businesses, and for consumers across the country at the grocery store and at kitchen tables.

COLUMN" Remembering Our 41st President

The passing of President George Herbert Walker Bush on last Friday evening calls us to reflect on the actions and character of this outstanding public servant.

COLUMN: Legislation to Honor Fallen Richland Marine Moves Forward

For the men and women who have given their lives in service to our country and on behalf of our freedoms, we find ways – even small ways – to honor their sacrifice and their memory. Though the way we honor the person we lost may seem small, it is still meaningful for loved ones and the community.

COLUMN: Science Should Determine Federal Listing of Gray Wolf

The recovery of the gray wolf is a success story for the Endangered Species Act, and the best available science should determine whether species remain listed. I am proud that the House voted last week to approve of legislation I co-introduced with Rep. Sean Duffy: H.R. 6784, the Manage Our Wolves Act, which will return management of the gray wolf species to the states.
