Congressman Peter Roskam

Representing the 6th District of Illinois


Ending Human Trafficking

In Illinois, just last year, nearly 1,900 people died of opioid overdoses—almost twice the number of fatal car accidents.
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What we need is an energy policy that sets the stage so the best idea and the best science win the day. A true all-of-the-above strategy is critical, because energy independence will not happen through just one source.
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Foreign Affairs and National Security

During this time of increased volatility in the Middle East and strained relationships with both Russia and China, American leadership in world affairs is vital.

Government Oversight

Congressman Roskam serves as chairman of the Ways and Means Subcommittee on Oversight —a key watchdog post with jurisdiction into the spending and operations of tax-writing and healthcare programs within the federal government.


The health care law has resulted in higher premiums, decreased care, and government bureaucrats standing between you and your doctor. This is unacceptable. In my oversight role on the Ways and Means Committee, I am working to ensure the American health care system is the best in the world, and that families are not forced to pay more for diminished care.

House Democracy Partnership

Congressman Roskam serves as chairman of the House Democracy Partnership (HDP) alongside Ranking Member David Price (D-NC). Established in 2005, the partnership brings together the House of Representatives with parliaments in emerging democracies to help strengthen legislatures using a peer-to-peer model.

Republican Israel Caucus

Congressman Roskam serves as co-chair of the House Republican Israel Caucus, the largest Republican congressional organization dedicated to strengthening the U.S.-Israel relationship.

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Tax Updates

When I was appointed to the House of Representatives Committee on Ways and Means in 2009 it was immediately clear that our tax code was outdated. The last time our tax code was reformed it was 1986 and the Chicago Bears were defending Super Bowl Champions, the Berlin Wall was standing, and the internet was not yet a commercial enterprise.


As a member of the Ways and Means Trade Subcommittee, we are working on a bipartisan basis to ensure high-quality agreements that will create jobs and grow the U.S. economy.