Congressman Michael McCaul

Representing the 10th District of Texas


Jun 6, 2017 Video

On June 6, 1944, courageous Americans stormed the beaches of Normandy giving their lives in service of our country. My father was a bombardier on a B-17; his group, among others, were trained to lead the air campaign in advance of the D-Day invasion and the Battle of the Bulge. His patriotism and service in such a time of peril is one of things that has inspired me throughout my life.

Dec 6, 2016 Video

“Mr. Speaker, I want to thank my colleague from Texas, Mr. Burgess, and Chairman Fred Upton for their work on this effort as well. I chair the Homeland Security Committee, but I also chair the Childhood Cancer Caucus. It’s one of the biggest threats to our children; it’s the number one killer of our children.

