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Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., Ranking Member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee, said Tuesday the recommendations released today by the bipartisan Commission on No Child Left Behind affirmed that the core principals of NCLB are strong, and should be maintained as Congress moves to renew the landmark legislation.

Enzi joined NCLB Commissioners and other Congressional leaders during a press conference to announce the group’s recommendations for NCLB renewal.

"I am very pleased by the Commission’s recommendations, which encourage states to continue to strengthen their focus on student outcomes and how what the student is learning will help them in college and the workplace," Enzi said Tuesday. "That approach is essential to ensure that we meet the challenge of global competition – both as a workforce and as a nation."

However, Enzi said the U.S. Department of Education must improve the way it disseminates positive results and best practices, noting that schools need assistance and information in order to make improvements and close the student achievement gap. "High school reform must address the issue of the wasted senior year," Enzi said. "Students need to get through high school on time and without requiring remedial work to get those graduates up to speed to achieve as college freshman. Students must be prepared with the skills and knowledge required for postsecondary education and the workplace."

Enzi also reiterated his commitment to address the unique needs of rural schools under NCLB renewal, and praised the Commission’s recommendations on that front.

"Rural schools should not be penalized when they are working within the law to ensure that all students receive the education they need to be successful. No rural student should be left behind," he said. "We need to make sure that what we do does not have unintended negative consequences on schools where there may be only 10 students and one teacher."