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Get your flu shots

Enzi encourages Wyoming residents in high risk groups to get vaccinated while there is still time

November 29, 2006

Washington, D.C. - Flu vaccine has arrived in Wyoming and U.S. Senator Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., who chairs the Senate Health Committee, is urging Wyoming residents, especially those in a high risk group, to protect themselves.

"We've been assured by the Wyoming Department of Health that the vaccines are here this year for high risk groups. Residents with young children or seniors or people who may otherwise be in a higher risk category should consider getting vaccinated. Your local healthcare provider can help you with advice and how to get a vaccination. Getting a shot now could prevent a lot of misery later," Enzi said.

This week is the start of National Influenza Vaccination Week, November 27 - December 4. Enzi said receiving the vaccine now and into December is beneficial because most flu activity occurs in January or later.

Children and under-insured or Medicaid-eligible people may be able to get vaccinations free or at a discount. The Wyoming Department of Health has more information that can be found online at or by phone at 307-777-7656. The Centers for Disease Control also has more information or People can also contact their local health care providers for more information and to receive the flu vaccine.

High-risk groups such as young children, seniors, people with other health problems and those who come in close contact with high-risk individuals are recommended to receive the flu vaccine, according to the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices.