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 Washington, D.C. – Imagine a user friendly Web site that would allow visitors to track all federal earmarks, grants, contracts and loans. U.S. Senator Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., and his Senate colleagues have envisioned such a website and have written legislation to make it possible for taxpayers to see how their money is being spent and hold the government accountable for excess spending
       “This bill would create a one stop shop to see if Congress is being good stewards of taxpayer dollars. If the public isn’t aware of money being spent it is unable to hold Congress responsible for excess and extravagant spending. This database would shine light on a process that needs reform,” said Enzi, member of the Senate Budget Committee. “This bill would finally give the public an honest look at the ledgers and as an accountant I know the value of keeping tabs on expenditures.” 
      Enzi co-sponsored the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act, S. 2590 that would require the Office of Management and Budget to maintain and establish a website that lists all entities receiving federal funds in amounts over $25,000. The information would include the name of each receiving entity, the amount of federal funds received annually by the program and the location of the entity. All information must be posted within 30 days of funding being awarded to an organization.
      The Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs passed the bi-partisan bill introduced by Senators Tom Coburn, R-Okla., and Barack Obama, D-Ill., and is awaiting debate on the Senate floor. The House has passed similar legislation to create a database for federal grants.  
 Around $300 billion in grants are approved by the federal government every year, according to the General Services Administration.