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Congressman Pete King

Representing the 2nd District of New York


During my more than twenty-five years in Congress, I have been a staunch defender of the State of Israel. I oppose any and all attempts by Palestinians to unilaterally declare statehood, circumvent the peace process or pressure Israel into making concessions that would jeopardize its security. While the United States should use its good offices, peace can only be achieved through direct, bilateral negotiations.

As unrest continues to rock the Middle East, it is more important than ever that the United States steadfastly support the Jewish State’s right to defend itself. The most significant threat facing Israel remains the prospect of a nuclear armed Iran. The United States must work with Israel and our allies to thwart Iran’s dangerous ambitions and keep all options on the table to do so.

I believe that the President and his national security team have crafted an effective strategy that will reverse the failings of the Obama Administration’s dangerous nuclear agreement with Iran. The nuclear deal failed to disassemble Iran’s nuclear infrastructure and in fact, provided desperately needed cash to the regime that seeks the destruction of Israel. I am confident that the Administration, in concert with Congress, will be able to ensure the continued defense of Israel and reverse the failings of the Iran Nuclear Deal.

In addition, I strongly support the President’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. It is obvious that the current strategy has not worked and the Palestinian government continues to refuse to accept Israel’s legitimacy. I believe that the President’s decision provides the opportunity to shake the status quo and restart the peace process. This decision does not weaken our relationship with our Arab allies and serves to reaffirm our solidarity with Israel.

It is essential that the United States provide Israel with the tools it needs to defend itself and maintain its Qualitative Military Edge (QME) over its adversaries. Consistent with the 2008 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), I supported $3.1 billion in security assistance to Israel in the FY 2017 funding legislation. I am confident that the new Administration will continue to be a solid supporter of Israel and fully implement the new MOU that is set to be in place beginning FY 2019.

Below are letters, resolutions, and legislation I have endorsed this Congress to support Israel and the Jewish people:

  • H.Res.11- This resolution objected to United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334 as a clear obstacle to the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.
  • H.Res. 58- This resolution seeks to encourage Russian authorities to release documents discussing the fate of Raoul Wallenberg.
  • H.Res. 137- This resolution honors the life of Shimon Peres.
  • H.Res. 201-  This resolution calls on the United States to assist Argentina in investigating the Israeli Embassy and AIMA bombings.
  • H.Res. 218- This resolution seeks to acknowledge the importance of the U.S.- Israel economic relationship.
  • H.Res. 279- This resolution recognizes the impact of the Israeli-American community on American heritage and society.
  • H.R. 672- This bill asks for enhanced reporting to Congress on acts of anti-semitism in Europe.
  • H.R. 1697- This bill makes clear that Congress opposes United Nations Human Rights Council decision to endorse divestment of Israel.
  • H.R. 1911- This bill seeks designates the Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism as an Ambassador.
  • H.R. 2230- This bill aims to place a bust or statue of Elie Wiesel in the U.S. Capitol.
  • H.R. 2712- This bill would sanction individuals found to have financially supported Hamas or the Palestinian Islamic Jihad.
  • Letter about Mantua Jewish Cemetery- Cosigned a letter to the Prime Minister of Italy expressing concern over the destruction of a Jewish cemetery in Mantua, Italy.
  • Letter to President Trump- Cosigned a letter to the President asking that he appoint a Special Envoy for Anti-Semitism.
  • Letter to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson- Cosigned a letter to Secretary Tillerson urging the Palestinian Authority to stop compensating families of Palestinian terrorists.
  • Letter about Holocaust Memorial Museum- Cosigned a letter urging the preservation of funding of the Holocaust Memorial Museum
  • Letter to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson- Authored a letter to Secretary Tillerson discussing Israel’s ability to produce nuclear fuel and the Memorandum of Understanding.
  • Letters to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson- Cosigned two letters to Secretary Tillerson urging the deportation of Jakiw Palij.