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Congressman Andre Carson

Representing the 7th District of INDIANA


Carson Statement on Debt Ceiling Vote

Jul 29, 2011
Press Release

July 29, 2011  

CARSON statement on debt ceiling vote

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman André Carson released the following statement today after the vote on the Republican proposal to raise the debt ceiling.


“The Republican plan doesn’t answer our long term fiscal problems. It simply allows Republicans to threaten the full faith and credit of the United States again six months from now. By voting to continue the economic uncertainty and once again gutting the safety net for the most vulnerable Americans, Republicans are putting politics before what is best for the nation.

“Americans want and deserve a balanced approach that requires both sides to compromise. President Obama and Democrats have shown that willingness, while Republicans would rather create a potentially catastrophic government default instead.

“It’s time to actually work together on a solution instead of wasting crucial time voting for legislation that will ultimately fail.  It is time to stop playing politics with our country’s future.”


