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Washington, D.C. - The Eastern Shoshone Tribe of the Wind River Reservation recently received a grant to look into the possibility of harnessing wind energy on the reservation, according to U.S. Senator Mike Enzi, R-Wyo.

A $190,000 grant secured by the tribe from the Department of Energy will fund a study to develop a preliminary evaluation of the technical, economic, social and environmental feasibility of a sustainable wind energy plan for the Eastern Shoshone Tribe. The proposed study would evaluate: wind resources on tribal lands, potential environmental impacts, transmission capacity; exporting capabilities and site selection for a possible wind farm.

"Anyone who has lived in Wyoming knows that wind is abundant. This grant will help to find out the potential to harness it on the Wind River Reservation. With the right technology, infrastructure and development there is potential for a viable wind farm that could put one of our most plentiful resources to good use," said Enzi.

In 2004 the Shoshones applied for grant funding through the Department of Energy, but money was not available. The Department kept the tribe’s application, however, and this year when money was available the Department contacted the tribe and offered the funding.

For more information on the grant please contact Lizana Pierce at 303-275-4727.
