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Washington, D.C. – Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki told a joint session of Congress in Washington Wednesday that his country is at the forefront of the world’s war against terrorism, but that progress is being made.

U.S. Sen. Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., attended the Iraqi leader’s speech and commented afterward.

"Forming a new, long-lasting government of the people is one of the most trying exercises that can be undertaken. There are always those who would tear down what Prime Minister Maliki and his fellow Iraqis are trying to build, but I was pleased to hear about the progress he is reporting. It took the United States 13 years to move from independence to ratifying a Constitution. It has taken the Iraqi government 3 years.

"In the providence of Al Matana, local Iraqi forces have taken over full responsibility for the safety and security of the region from Coalition forces. This is the path that the President has laid out, as Iraqi forces are able to stand up, we are able to reduce the American and Coalition forces.

"I agree with the Prime Minister’s statement that Iraq is at the forefront of what he called, ‘a battle between true Islam…and terrorism, which wraps itself in a fake Islamic cloak.’ I appreciate his commitment to not letting the radicals win. The people of Iraq know first hand the terrible experience of a dictatorial regime and continue to fight for freedom in their own nation. "The Prime Minister referred to the ink-stained fingers of those who risk their lives to vote. It is remarkable to hear from a leader who truly has to live on a daily basis with potential of being assassinated.

"It was a moving speech. He was interrupted by bipartisan applause a number of times including standing ovations."