
Two men shaking hands in front of a tractor.


I believe that our country’s agricultural policy should reflect a commitment to effective food production, responsible farming, and the health and welfare of our community. A healthy agriculture industry means that Americans do not go hungry, and that our agricultural system has the resources and structural organization to meet the growing needs of our country.

schoolroom desks and chairs


Learn about my work in Congress on Education issues.
Wind turbine and blue sky

Energy and Environment

Learn about my work in Congress on Energy and the Environmental issues.
scissors cutting a credit card

Federal Budget

Learn about my work in Congress on federal budget issues.
stethoscope on a clipboard

Health Care

Health care is important to our district and my work in Congress. Learn more about my views on this issue.


Immigration reform is a moral and economic imperative. I am strong supporter of comprehensive immigration reform. Reform should secure our border and create a path to citizenship for the more than 11 million undocumented immigrants who are already here, pursuing the American Dream for their families. Second-class status for anyone, is not who we are as a country.

construction workers smiling

Jobs and the Economy

Good jobs and a strong economy are very important to our district and to my work in Congress. Learn more about my views on this issue.
scissors cutting a credit card

National Debt

Reducing our national debt and putting our finances on a healthy long-term trajectory is vitally important. Left unchecked, growing debt will eventually lead to larger and larger interest payments, which will make it difficult to continue to fund the essential programs that provide great benefit to our country. Deficit reduction is also a major competitiveness issue.

soldier in silouhette

National Security and Defense

Learn my views on National Security.
soldier saluting the US flag

Veterans Issues

Learn about my work in Congress to support our Veterans.
Group of women different ages

Women's Issues

As the father of four daughters, one of my highest priorities is ensuring that they and all women have equal opportunity and parity in terms of education, employment opportunities, and equal pay. It is time to acknowledge the simple fact that women’s rights are human rights, and we must use this approach as we address the pressing issues facing women today.